Scripting is a good place to start programming, but it wont take you long to realize its just lacking the freedom of having your own project and trying new things. So if you want to advance in just general programming knowledge, take up a project of your own, be it refractor someone elses code to new practices or create something of your own. Read wikipedia articles, watch pluralsight videos or anything of that sort. I do reccomend reading a few books like "Head first into java", "effective java" and so on. But programming is a long windy road, there really arent any shortcuts to take, you just need to put in work and try new stuff.
Wrapping it up, drop scripting for now, learn from your own projects, other opensource projects and then come back to scripting. This in term should allow you to create your own elaborate scripts, rather than relying on other peoples code snippets.
Also variables (data types) have much more to it than you think, if you start digging into mutables/immutables, where in the jvm they are allocated and stuff like that. So 6 months about variables is reasonable as I suspect it should cover much more than the different data types.