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Posts posted by Bobrocket


    In your code, you also expect that your door is going to have the action "Open". Now yes, you search for ID, but have something like this:

    Entity door = getObjects().closest(door_tile, 6837);
    if (door != null && door.exists() && door.hasAction("Open")) door.interact("Open");
  2. 1. A description of the issue

    Calling getMenuAPI().getTooltip() sometimes returns the second option instead of the first.


    2. Are you receiving any errors?



    3. How can you replicate the issue?

    // interaction = Talk-to
    // target.getName() = Man
    // Found a "Man" NPC, and hovered over it.
    String strippedTooltip = getMenuAPI().stripFormatting(getMenuAPI().getTooltip());
    String estimatedTooltip = interaction + " " + target.getName();
    log("Tooltips: [" + strippedTooltip + "] [" + estimatedTooltip + "]");




    4. Has the issue persisted through multiple versions?

    Yes. This is a problem that means that #interact() will incorrectly left click, so as long as that was present. It's been a problem for a long time.

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  3. Several of the ones in the OP are incorrect. You should probably look a bit more into how varpbits work


    A table of them is still not a bad idea, though. Can help people make their own API, if they for some reason wish to do so tongue.png


    Would you care to elaborate on the incorrect ones?

  4. Seems like the bot is way more effient then both you guys xD

    Why do you navigate through chat by mouse? doge.png


    btw, did you had any antiban enabled on the tutorial script?

    Like some random mouse movements?


    Looks like human players moves the mouse a lot more then a script ^^

    Maybe something to work on smile.png




    If you look closely at mouse movements for set 2, you can actually see that there are those little spasms that occur thanks to the OSBot mouse. Didn't notice that first time round :p

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