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Posts posted by Bobrocket

  1. It's okay mate we're safe in england


    but if you take a trip to belgium, bring a helmet and make sure u wear it at all times while walking the streets

    just incase


    It's still risky, what if ends up in England?

    • Like 1
  2. Its position data recorded every 50ms (as the the Jagex client does).


    They are all doing tutorial island.


    At a glance, Set 1 is the bot. The movements are too jagged, humans, while having movements that are jagged themselves tend to be more curved.


    EDIT: Taking in to consideration that both images are different runs through tut island, I think Set 3 might actually be the bot.

    • Like 3
  3. Here's a few varpbits I found that you guys might find interesting.

    Feel free to contribute to the list with your own QwPha8E.png

    Format: varpid - what it does (list of values)


    43 - Combat style (0-3)

    108 - autocasted spell (0=none, 3=wind strike, 5=water strike etc) (Thanks @Flamezzz)
    172 - Auto retaliate (0-1)
    661 - something to do with slayer? (all i know is that scorpions=4)
    83 - Thick Skin? (0-1)
    375 - Quick prayer enabled? (8-9)
    1043 - Current GE buy price (per item)
    563 - Current GE buy quantity
    1151 - Current GE buy item ID
    166 - Current brightness (1-4)
    168 - Current music volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
    169 - Current SFX volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
    872 - Current area volume (4-0; 4=no volume 0=highest)
    173 - Run enabled? (0-1)
    1074 - Profanity filter enabled? (0-1)
    171 - Chat effects on? (0-1)
    287 - Split private chat? (0-1)
    1055 - Logout timeout notification? (0=enabled, 128=disabled) ALSO data orbs enabled - (0 - orbs on AND timer on; 8 - orbs off AND timer on; 136 - BOTH OFF; 128 - orbs on AND timer off)
    1107 - Attack option priority (0 - depends on combat levels; 1 - always right click; 2 - left click where available)
    965 - Skill guide open? (1-23)

    • Like 1
  4. Check the animation? Perhaps there's a certain animation id when you get stunned. Or you could check the message in the chatbox; if message that you're stunned -> sleep/wait.

    omg are we related or something??


    Btw, inb4 @Bobrocket


    You called?

    Check player height before and after pickpocketing.

    Checking for animation is bad - when I wrote my scripts, there was no animation. (might be now, but it could change)

    Waiting a certain amount of time is bad - different time for every NPC

    Checking experience is meh - you'd still need to wait an arbitrary amount of time which is bad

    • Like 2
  5. It's embarrassing that tr1b0t can run mirror mode with a lower cpu% than osbot can run stealth mode - did you even read the posts?

    This was in stealth mode btw. Khaleesi this is a cpu issue not ram.

    Injection uses fuck all resources for me. Provide a benchmark.

    Also, type "w" into your Linux terminal before and during botting and share your results.

  6. If you're looking for a private script, look no further!

    I have 4 years experience programming, including game and mod development. Some of you may remember me from Terraria, where I made mods (some of which had tens of thousands of downloads). I'm also a Scripter III on here. In short, I know what I'm doing.


    If you want a script that:

    • Performs any task, including combat, skilling, shop buying
    • Is maintained (for a price) by a dedicated developer
    • Is update resilient, with customised antipattern to suit your needs

    Then I'm the guy for you.




    BASIC - Performs a single, basic task over and over again

    Starting from $9.99


    REGULAR - Performs any single task over and over again

    Starting from $14.99


    ADVANCED - Performs a series of tasks over and over again

    Starting from $24.99



    Antipattern - custom antipattern which is tailored to your script.

    Fixed rate of $4.99


    GUI - a GUI to enter data and customise aspects of your script. ADVANCED+ packages come with a free GUI.

    Fixed rate of $4.99


    Task Scheduling - have tasks which you can customise for your script. Only available to ADVANCED+ packages.

    Fixed rate of $9.99


    Source - the full source of your script, which also gives you full rights.

    Fixed rate of $24.99





    Skype: Bobrocket_01

    OSBot: Bobrocket


    Before dealing with me, always PM me!


    Scripts complete: 1

    Scripts in queue: 0


    I accept the following payment methods:

    • Skrill
    • 07GP ($1.25/m)
    • RS3GP ($0.25/m)
    • DSGP ($5/m)
    • BTC/LTC (preev.com + 10%)
    • Paysafecard (+5%)
    • PerfectMoney



    • You are to pay 50% of your total cost up front.
    • Leaking or disclosing the source or reselling the script is forbidden. (unless you purchased source additionally)
    • Scripts will be maintained for free for 48 hours as of when the final payment is made. Afterwards, updates will cost money. (Pricing TBD)
    • Your script is licensed to you and you alone.
    • I have the right to decline your script request for any reason.

    OSBot Global TOS also apply

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