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Posts posted by Bobrocket

  1. Yes, for selling. They're talking about buying.

    The only thing I can think of is people who come to forums with the intent to get people banned who are selling accounts. View the account forums and get usernames and report it to jagex. Other than that, I have no idea.


    So am I. Someone could just join and, since some people are desparate to sell their accounts, get them to go first and then scam an account.

  2. Well an idea I was thinking of (not sure how it would work) is 2 people throw in skins to us the house, and we are basically a middleman, while the 2 play against eachother as in they can't see what the other player has and they basically play as if the other is the house. If they both bust they replay, house (me) would take 5%. Just an idea not sure if it would work.

    So have you done a site like that before? or is that what you WOULD charge? Also how tough is just a simple community page with forums and possibly raffles where you deposit keys?

    I have made sites like this before. ANYTHING that requires automation via the steam API will cost you upwards $1500.
  3. Screenshots plox!

    I'll get some in the morning, you can make your own shit you don't need screenshots

    EDIT: here's something basic I made for a test



    p = new Paint(this);
    		DynamicLabel dl = new DynamicLabel(568, 353, "", new Font("Open Sans", Font.PLAIN, 14)) {
    			public void onUpdate(Paint parent) {
    				setText("" + currentTime);
    		try {
    			BufferedImage bimage = ImageIO.read(new URL("http://i.imgur.com/2Q1c8gr.png"));
    			p.add(new Picture(0, 338, bimage));
    			bimage = ImageIO.read(new URL("http://i.imgur.com/mUn12cu.png"));
    			p.add(new DynamicOrb(27, 365, dl, bimage, 25, 25));
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
    • Like 1
  4. Exactly! It's hard to write it perfeectly the first time though.

    but the more you learn about how to make it readable the easier it will get smile.png


    You'll find some way that fits with you and you'll be able to do lots of things a lot faster.


    Here is an exmaple of my runecrafting script: (Doesn't fit in 1 screen sleep.png)



    I'm not the only scripter that uses a pathfinder rather than a webwalker? :D

    I think I can beat your file count pretty soon, I'll be adding around 100 files to my AIO thiever :p

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you for all the improvements smile.png

    Yea ik i need to make it readable, but for my first script i don't think i'm gunna develop this any further,


    So i'll take the making it readable into consideration when i move to my next script smile.png


    Honestly dude, you really need to get used to making readable code. I used to write code like you did, and honestly it really backfires in the future.

    When I went on to make my AIO thieving script, I used the same method I did for every other script. This left me with 1000 or so lines of code in the onLoop alone (and this was before the script hit beta). It took me much longer to debug than it should.

    When I moved that script to a more readable framework, everything was so much better. Even though I have more classes, I can debug quickly and I even got rid of a lot of code by doing so!

    And don't be discouraged when your scripts get a lot of files, it only means progress :) For reference, here is what my AIO thieving script looks like (file wise):


    I use 3 classes just to have a list of all the banks in RuneScape. I have classes which literally just reference methods in another file, too. But believe me when I say that this has helped.


    Good luck, and maybe one day you'll be releasing scripts on the SDN! :D

    • Like 2
  6. looks sexy xD

    Thanks! Any suggestions or improvements?


    share doge.png

    I'll share the code base when it's finished :p Just got buttons working, will move on to static images and progress bars next


    • Like 2
  7. Sowyyy, tbh I don't think many people even know how to compile this so dw tongue.png


    I think it was just getMap().distance(Entity) that was deprecated, getMap().distance(Entity.getPosition()); hasn't been touched (yn).


    I have no idea lol, I've never touched those functions :p better be safe than sorry!

  8. 6c97a697805eb5e58537f2ef06e0ff14.png

    Opinions? Data was harvested from my 414 data cache :3

    Going to work on what actually goes on the paint now.


    EDIT: Began working on the scripted elements.


    • Like 5
  9. Nice dude! I had a similar idea where I was going to create my own scripting language for my scripts for presets, the following would be something that thieved from a guard:

    walkto varrock
    tag GUARD "Guard" NPC_TYPE
    interact GUARD "Pickpocket"

    My API would handle it flawlessly, with built in variables (varrock being varrock square for example), and the script would handle when to stop and restart etc.


    Good luck :D

    • Like 1
  10. No one really knows what prevents bans. The idea of an antiban/antipattern is to essentially un-patternise yourself by doing some interactions that do not relate to the task. Whether or not these actually work is a different story, as humans have their own set of patterns. The most effective method to prevent bans would be to record your gameplay, and look at all the little interactions. Look at how you move your mouse, where you click, why you click where you click, as well as any interactions that do not relate to the task. For example, before an interaction finishes you may hover over the bank or whatever so you can bank quicker. I highlight a few things in my threads that can help un-patternise, for example attempting to simulate focus or adding typos to your strings. No one knows if these things actually help ban rates, but there does seem to be some correlation between antipatterns and ban rates (remember: correlation is not causation)

  11. In OSBot settings, look for "Widget debug". Tick that and hover over the widget you want to check for.

    RS2Widget smeltSelect = widgets.get(309,2);

    Widget (309, 2) is the widget of molten glass, so you want to get the one for gold amulet (u). Hover over the gold amulet (u) in the smelt widget and record all 3 numbers (look at the coloured borders)


    Good luck!

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