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Posts posted by Bobrocket


    Script doesn't even work past 30 seconds.

    Error on the furstall.

    [ERROR][bot #1][07/12 02:46:42 PM]: Error in bot executor!
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.osbot.rs07.api.Map.distance(Lorg/osbot/rs07/api/model/Entity;)I
    at coN.a(f:198)
    at Main.onLoop(z:214)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(zo:164)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



    Map.distance has been removed in the latest OSBot update, give script developers some time to adjust to the changes :)

  2. Hey could i get free trial of ur hunter? please


    I really, really, really like people like you. You have no sense of the situation and always find the least relevant place to ask for something for free. This is a support thread asking why some of Valkyr's scripts were off the SDN, and you ask for a trial. God bless you, son.

  3. In this line of code:

    if (!inventory.isFull())
        		return State.DROP;

    We are saying if the inventory is not full, we drop the logs.

    And of course, the fallback is the chopping state - which will be returned after every condition is not met (in this case, the inventory is full when we want to chop logs).



    if (inventory.isFullExcept("Bronze axe")) return State.DROP;
    return State.CHOP;
  4. When I bought my RS3 account, I asked for every bit of information that could be used to recover the account. I asked for stuff including last 4 digits of cc used to purchase membership, phone provider (if they bought membership with phone), countries been to, previous passwords etc. Stuff like this would generally be used in a recovery test :)

    I think the best way to secure an account would be to add authenticator, but of course if the owner recovers the account it can be removed.

  5. With all due respect, you should really look up the basics of Java. Your problem exists because you are defining "beginningStrengthExp" in the function scope.

    The hierarchy for variable scopes goes class > function. If you want your variables to be used in many functions, you put them in the class scope.

    public class Main extends Script {
        private int beginningStrengthExp;
        public void onStart() {
            beginningStrengthExp = <code>;
        public void onPaint(Graphics2d g) {
            int x = beginningStrengthExp;

    In this example, we can access beginningStrengthExp because it was defined in the class. We cannot, however, access beginningStrengthExp with an instance of Main because it is set to private. To solve this, we add a getter value:

    public int getBeginningStrengthExp() {
        return beginningStrengthExp;

    So this can be used when we need to grab it from an instance of Main:

    public class SomeArbitraryClass {
        public SomeArbitraryClass(Main m) {
            int beginningStrengthExp = m.getBeginningStrengthExp();
    • Like 1
  6. Mirror mode is reflection based, tends to use more CPU, and is rumoured to lowering ban rates. You must run a RS client for mirror mode to attach to. It is, however, limited to VIP+ users.

    "Stealth" injection is injection based, it downloads and injects the gamepack directly without attaching to an external client.

  7. Why would an account being "hand done" make a difference? there's no real way of proving that (unless you recorded it all, which would end up being a massive file size).


    It makes all the difference, what if the account is flagged from the botting? We don't know how Jagex operates, so isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

  8. What icon will this be used for? (What type of script is this icon being made for?)


    -I'd personally make the fill of the shapes a bit transparent

    -Different background picture relating to the script

    -Make the shapes a bit smaller to allow text to be added for the name/author


    But nonetheless, this is a nice design.


    This is going to be for all of my scripts. See in my signature how I just have a box with "OMNI" and then the name in the centre? I want to have a logo instead, so people can recognise my scripts by the logo instead of the text :p

    In the final version, the logo will be smaller for space for text. This is just a mockup. The background too is just a test (and will relate to the script ofc)

    I'd say make the circles bigger/smaller depending on the direction your script's are going.

    But in general, there should be a general bigger element and smaller elements to accompany the big one.


    Right. I picked a design like this because it shows how three "elements" work together in unity, plus I got the inspiration from Sonic Heroes :p

    What I really need to figure out is what I should put for the third circle - the "simplicity" circle. Maybe I could just leave it as it is and layer that circle at the bottom?


    Thanks for the feedback though guys :)

  9. Another suggestion would be to try and split up your script in to chunks (like a Node framework), take a look at my project as an example:


    For example, in Webwalker:

    • AStar.java is my pathfinder class, it will find the closest route from point A->B
    • Bank.java is a handler for a series of BankEntities with other parameters (name, location, parent city)
    • BankEntity.java is an interactible entity that will open a bank (just a container with a name, interaction, position and parent bank)
    • BinaryMap.java is a class that loads the binary map, inflates it, decompresses it and loads it into memory for the pathfinder
    • Map.java is a class that simply ties the functions of BinaryMap and TileMath together
    • PointsOfInterest.java is a class that holds all the banks, cities etc for my pathfinder (so, for example, if I want to walk to Varrock I can type "algo.findPath(myPlayer().getPosition(), pointsOfInterest.cities('Varrock'));" - this helps a lot)
    • TileMath.java is a little class that simply calculates the binary map position from a world position and vice versa


    My exchange package is going to contain an overload for the Item and ItemContainer classes to include prices via the OSBuddy GE API.

    My Node package contains all of my nodes, and my Pickpocketer package contains all the main code.


    Don't be afraid of too many files!

  10. alright thanks for the heads up


    You could fix this simply:

    if (getInventory().isItemSelected()) getMouse().click(false);
    //continue loop

    If an item is selected, it will left click. This will remove an item from being selected :)

    • Like 1
  11. It's an API problem. I believe it's fixed in the upcoming stable versions. The bounding boxes for the Drop and Use options intersect (just by 1px), so it will sometimes accidentally use it instead of dropping it.

  12. I'm trying to make a new logo for my scripts, getting a bit stuck :p



    For starters:

    • I have no idea what to do with the top circle. Ideas?
    • I know it's out of proportion (> 180x180), will fix it later.
    • The logo itself is supposed to showcase 3 things unique about my scripts: customisability (the cog), thinking outside the box (the broken up circle), and simplicity (the top circle, no idea how I could represent it)


    Criticism is welcome, as I would like to make something nice :) I am not a designer by any means, but I think something like this could very well work.

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