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Blaze It

Trade With Caution
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  1. Blaze It

    Fruity NMZ

    Overloads bring you up 15 range levels
  2. Believe it or not they can see it, don't be hard headed its a fact.
  3. Your computer also puts off an ID serperate from your IP Adress which would also need to be spoofed or jagex would still be able to see that you were running the 14 accounts from the same PC, Also guessing you didn't delete your random.dat each time you signed into a new account? IP adress isn't the only way Jagex can tell if your running from the same place or not.
  4. Blaze It

    Fruity NMZ

    Why not just use overloads instead of super range pots then?
  5. Blaze It

    Fruity NMZ

    Loved this script when it was free love it even more now, but could u please make the paint with the xp/hr and stuff have a minimize button rather annoying not being able to talk or anything! other than that though this script is MINT.
  6. How much of RFD do I need to do before the dwarf will show up that i get the rock cake from, and what kind of gloves do i need to get the cake? Thanks in advance!
  7. Yep, thats it, and no problem glad i could help
  8. I wasn't asking if it was like 100% safe, I was asking if it would be the safest spot to do so, as far as player reports go.
  9. They accomplish different things and yes VPN you pay, download and connect and your done. Look into "Private internet access" Its a vpn. its pretty good, or check out "RA4WVPN" Its veerrrry cheap, If you need any other help feel free to PM me, im pretty knowledgeable with botting and such
  10. I know the consequences don't jump to conclusions. I'm asking if its safer to bot at NMZ. Why are some ppl so damn rude.
  11. Would botting NMZ be considered "Safe" since no body would actually be able to see you, unless a mod tp'd to you, which there would be no reason to since no body would have reported you because you can't be seen doing your thing by everybody? Just a thought, I've been considering running a NMZ script on one of my accounts i actually somewhat care about
  12. "Virtual private network" And no body will just share one with you, they cost money you know. If you were to somehow make a 07GP payment to me maybe we could work out sharing one, or i could give you my old one since i got a much better one now. Feel free to PM me to talk details!
  13. Yes, but thats was my first account banned in over a month of botting, as apposed to your 4 in 2 hrs.
  14. Im thinking maybe my account got reported alot, i did bot it quite a bit more than usual once i got the cannon balls! lol
  15. I don't have a problem with losing my account, I know the risks. I'm just pointing out, a few people have said they were banned as soon as they started using it!
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