Fixing this seems necessary to me, it's not hard either.
You can fix it by doing the following (using a FTP program such as FileZilla or CuteFTP):
Go to the hooks folder in the forum directory (/forum/hooks/)
Find tbGfSkinSearch_12345.php (12345 are random, unique numbers)
Replace this line:
$data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'];
With this:
/*$data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'];*/
Save the file & done.