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  1. Molly can I please get a trial for your chaos druids, would greatly appreciate it:)
  2. Molly can you please let me have a trial of your chaos druid script? would greatly appreciate it! As soon as possible please:) I wasnt able to get on runescape during the time for the bot, had to go out on the platform and work on the h-60's. would you be able to shoot me another trial for tonight maybe?
  3. Hey czar I dont mean to bother, but could I get a trial for this? would appreciate it homes.
  4. Hey there molly, I have heard good things about your druid script. would it be possible to receive a trial? Would appreciate it! thanks:) chaos druids
  5. Hello there czar! could I get a 24h trial for your stronghold bot please? would be fantastic, Loving your scripts so far. perfection.
  6. Could I please try out your agility script? The trial please. would greatly appreciate it! Loving your scripts so far btw.
  7. can i pelase get a trial to this script! need to find one to purchase, and have heard many good things about your scripting. pest control
  8. I never got to try out the range guild script czar, Would it be possible to give me a trial? You liked my post but never gave me the trial for it. i would very much appreciate it:)
  9. I made a mistake last night choosing 3 trials, I only used the rock crabs one, which was amazing. but I would like to try the rangeguild one if possible. I believe its about to expire though. would really appreciate it man. need to find a training script I like.
  10. I would like a 24 hour trial please! so I can start working on mage, Ive been using this osbot for 4 days now, almost straight, its fantastic.
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