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Everything posted by Forsberg

  1. Forsberg


    Wow thanks, I quit for a while. Thank you sir
  2. Forsberg


    I tried to log onto my account to bot with the osbot client, and when i logged in with my correct details it showed me at tutorial island? I closed it , loaded the Runescape client logged in and i was back at ge...Has anyone else gotten this before? Or can explain to me what happened?
  3. Hey guys! As you can see by my signature this script has been great, but today i finally got banned doing this all on one account. I'm not mad because thats the risk's of botting. Im happy i made that much. Goodbye fellow botters and be safe out there!
  4. Khal do you accept in game donations? Loving this script so much and the work you put into it!
  5. Frost do you accept OSGP are payment for this script for one month?
  6. Hey Frost..trials coming to an end and i've got to say well done! Even though my only item the last 24 hours was a Karil's skirt . I'm going to stick with Khal's runecrafter till i make a bit more money and then i will buy this! Well done my friend!
  7. Ahh my fault my fault... Had something to do with no having a duel ring (5) on hahah...Working flawlessly atm.. Cya when my trial is done and talk to you when i buy this!
  8. How come when i start the script it teles me to lummy goes to bank and logs out?
  9. Awesome ill begin using it then! How long do trials last?
  10. Could i get a short trial before i buy it frost? Not sure if you got my pm or not. Thanks
  11. Just bought this Kal looking forward to using your work! Thanks!
  12. I added Arctic on skype just waiting for him to come online! once he is i will buy a voucher and use this script!
  13. Hey Khal I would really like to purchase this script! Is there anyways i can purchase this through 07 Gp? Either through you or a member on here named Arctic?
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