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Healy yay

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Everything posted by Healy yay

  1. Tried to pm but wont let me says i have to wait an hour as something went wrong! Can you pm me a price etc please
  2. Sorry if this is the wrong section but ive was just woundering if there a working wildy looting script on this site? if so could someone please link me to it please
  3. Yes i am didnt think of that! that could of been the reason for the second time but the first time the script had only been running for about 15 mins and i dont set my breaks to go for atleast 90 mins. I'm going babysit it now as i got some time and see if it comes up again and ill let you know Thanks for getting back to me so fast!
  4. I also sometimes get a problem with the house tab that it will click to go outside of my POH and then it just get stuck at the portal? not sure if this has come up before just giving you a heads up but happened to me twice now. Other than that it seems to be running flawless!
  5. When using house tab, how do i get it to open door for glory tele? it just keeps trying to tele on glory with the door shut
  6. damn. I'm unable to run mirror on my mac so annoying
  7. Do you bot on mirror? i cant seem to run more than 2 hours without a ban!
  8. script worked good. Used it for 3 hours ban lol weird
  9. Do you use the mirror client? I don't support mac and thats what i use
  10. What is that? lol dont really know to much about macs
  11. Was going to buy VIP and a premium finishing script but then i though i must check if this will work on my macbook or is it only for windows
  12. Looking at the store and is it in $ or £??
  13. Yeah I have a good feeling my ip is probably flagged. What was you botting?
  14. Title says it all. I'm having a lot of problems with getting banned lately even with paid scripts
  15. I got banned with perfect crab but I was bottling 6-8 hours a day without doing anything else
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