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  1. Gem rocks working flawlessly! Thanks Czar, good work!
  2. Really looking forward to the gem rocks update! Hope its coming soon.
  3. Estimated time for gem rocks to be working?
  4. I am still having issues with gem rocks. I am having the same issue as before. I get to right next to the mine and it just stops and console says path size 0 rip just like before. This happens when coming back from the bank.
  5. Yeah, gem miner will only do one run now. Mines an inventory, then runs back to the gem rocks and simply stands there. In console it says path size is 0 rip.
  6. Gem rocks... / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2841, y=2962, z=0] and target: [x=3285, y=3364, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
  7. What do you mean you're giving one away? Also, the gem rocks are working with it on screen mode. However, hopping worlds is still not working. I will set the rocks, and the bot will just stand there.
  8. Not going to the bank at the gem stones. After getting a full inventory, it just stands there. It did go to the bank when I didn't use screen mode, but it then just stands right outside of the bank.
  9. I am having an issue with the gem rocks. Doesn't seem like it wants to go to the bank. Also, enabling world switching just makes the bot stand still.

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