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Everything posted by Krulvis

  1. if you make it fully abyss ready then you could ask atleast 5 - 10m
  2. Maybe the middle man could simply verify with Dropbox that everything is paid for accordingly ? If there won't be anything suspicious from their point of few (like possible delayed payments) it could be a good deal. Without Dropbox's verification that the accounts are actually legit this is way too scetchy
  3. Ouch, that really sucks
  4. Getting initiate wrapper error on mirror version 2.4.53
  5. Hi, I am getting this error when using getWorlds().hop(int world); on mirror client. Anything I can do about it / doing wrong ? Running version 2.4.53 in mirror mode.
  6. Dark souls series has been amazing so far. I'm definitely playing 3 when it comes out tomorrow I believe ?
  7. I'm interested in this account but don't believe it's worth more than 6m. If you can't sell it for your desired price, that's my offer.
  8. That GUI looks so redundant, just script in a way where you recognize necessity of most useful features.
  9. There is a rule that says you can't rwt...
  10. If it's a milisecond you won't always be able to pick it up, I also doubt it's a milisecond. But you can ofcourse try it out by just writing some debug code and test.
  11. The crosshair color is always None, unless you click somewhere (that triggers either red/yellow color). Checking for none does not solve your issue here. There is no way to really confirm a click when you are interacting with interfaces/inventory/equipment. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/e3znjjxqw0tht27/2016-02-27_18-04-54.mp4?dl=0
  12. Wouldn't it be possible to bot the stats on those accounts using mirror mode ?
  13. Who of those creepy guys hacked my veteran away? im sad
  14. Have you even considered the fact that it is not illegal, the thought of it being a 'bad' thing to do is merely indoctrinated by Jagex. You son, are getting brain washed. The art of creating software that automates what we as humans would normally manually operate is beautiful. This is what we as humans are meant to do. Innovation is automation. Don't let yourself be fooled!
  15. Account has 0 bans, 0 emails registerd to it (I will be unable to hack the account back after purchasing) account has 0 value on the bank and 0 quest points.
  16. 10 hours a week is an average, if the farm is running. If accounts get banned and need to be recreated, it will be more. average payout will be around 400$ - month. This is depending on the method and amount of accounts we will be able to run.
  17. It's a mate I organize this farm with. Whoever has interest in joining this money making biz could still add me on skype.
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