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dr pepper

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dr pepper

  1. i didn't pay by card though , i uploaded cash through my card and sent it
  2. yes because im not in possession of the account anymore.
  3. so i bought an account a while ago and just found out that its recovered. is there a way to chargeback the money? i've got chat logs as proof
  4. 43m highest bid 42m is highest bid since elii retracted his offer.
  5. 35m highest bid! Going to work and won't be back till 10pm gmt guys! Will end the bid then
  6. 40m would probably be realistic
  7. dr pepper


    divinity's all the way , made over 100m and 45m hunter xp
  8. got a bid of 7m no sir , only quests done is for mith gloves and monkey madness sorry my bad , has done dragon slayer
  9. dr pepper


    script could be broken
  10. selling this nice starter staker account with 15 prayer with mm done. add live:testing348_1 if interested or post skype below FORGOT TO MENTION COMBAT LEVEL IS 73 The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 12m The methods of payment you are accepting 07 GP Your trading conditions you will go first or a mm will be used Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address (See below for more details) i am original owner , all info will be given upon purchase.
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