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Everything posted by Kidde123

  1. Looking for 50 Attack 65+ Strength 70+ Range 82+Mage DT Done Prefered but no Required Offer ur price, ONLY TRUSTED.
  2. - Script name Khal Rock Crab - trial length 6-12 hours - Reason for trial Needa test script for obvious reasons before purchasing. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? If i like it, then possibly.
  3. https://gyazo.com/5a5c7d504b74e8ef8349f4a4295071f4 now that's one hell of a script. Tested one account to see how long it'll take till i get banned, apparently, i dont Thanks Czar
  4. Wait @Kailax why do u only get 5k xp an hour lol.
  5. Just thought i'd share a proggy, Started with 28 thieving! Great Script with the Nature runes
  6. i didn't get the script... Please. CZar
  7. For Rogue Chests how many empty spaces in inv should i have? like 6 sharks/10 ppots?
  8. Czar what setup should i have to bot Rogues Chest, like what should my inv look like? I'm 43 prayer, thanks
  9. Hey Czar, sorry to make it seem like i'm complaining i'm not at all, i enjoy the script alot but i just wanted to let u know about the bugs on the script. Theres also a bug where if ur trying to thieve an npc, and the building top is covering it it just bugs out and stands there. It doesnt move the screen if that make any sense
  10. Hey, i bought your script yesterday and so far i'm loving it, the only problem is overnight i get sucidided if i don't babysit the bot. In the nature chests, people keep suiciding regardless of u eating food because they just keep trying it since the bot doesnt bank for food. I was thinking if u could maybe add something so the bot would log out if it get attacked like twice and relogs or something. I just am paranoid but other than that perfect job Czar!
  11. I may have found a bug, when the bot goes to get food from the bank it takes it out and stands in the bank, i'm thieving in Ardougne on Knights/Paladins
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