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Trade With Caution
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Hades last won the day on September 30 2013

Hades had the most liked content!

About Hades

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  1. Hades


    it's bs when you get fbed for retarded reasons, also pls dont ask your staff to like your posts. they yo slaves or wut lol? I middle man The services, not bs, please don't make posts like this, you clearly are mad. ikr im mad,brb gonna farm 2 your going to open a farm? nice one! life in the open it's good. I am not opening a farm, are you dumb, can't you read or wut? well you said you're about to go farm? got some nice pigs? cows? If you have not realized yet I'm making fun of you, and I'm trying to say it like this No one cares
  2. Hades


    it's bs when you get fbed for retarded reasons, also pls dont ask your staff to like your posts. they yo slaves or wut lol? I middle man The services, not bs, please don't make posts like this, you clearly are mad. ikr im mad,brb gonna farm 2 your going to open a farm? nice one! life in the open it's good.
  3. Hades


    it's bs when you get fbed for retarded reasons, also pls dont ask your staff to like your posts. they yo slaves or wut lol? I middle man The services, not bs, please don't make posts like this, you clearly are mad.
  4. 3 times in a week? looks like you weren't asking for any PM confirmations, changing your password or doing anything to prevent it :l I was lol... changed my pass 6 times during the 3 services, and i definitly spoke to the right guys instead of fake ones. Besides that i asked some questions if the guys knew what they were talking about. We will be getting that cunt banned, dw, just wait for the dispute to come on and btw, Wish321 still owns me 50m think how I feel ;)
  5. Hades


    It looks good, but I think the Girl Is kinda random in it :P Just my opinion though.
  6. Hades


    you used "dare template" All you added was a cinema 4d effect (lava).
  7. This video contains content from Channel 4, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
  8. I'm back! Hades Owner! + Stuart is still owner!

  9. Better than me in Cinema 4D ;)
  10. Retired - Stuart1283 New Leader of #Hades Crew

  11. Retired - Stuar1283 New leader of #Hades Crew

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