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  1. hey just curious, i used to use dream fisher and have started using it again as i purchased the script, does anyone know what happened to it? i read a thread where someone posted a photo of perfect fisher saying he copied so is it not the same person? I've got a few questions to ask about it thats all and cant seem to find it anywhere
  2. Does this mean all/most scripts will be down for the new few hours at least? Thanks
  3. Cheers The update must have not been long ago then? I only just got home and got worried haha
  4. All my scripts aren't working since the update? [iNFO][11/19 09:46:51 PM]: Started script : DreamFisher v2.03 [ERROR][bot #1][11/19 09:46:51 PM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getSelectedItemState()I at org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory.isItemSelected(mp:453) at fishers.Fisher.onLoop(k:309) at main.DreamFisher.onLoop(i:117) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(qk:61) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
  5. what on earth are you talking about dude? have you tried to barb fish using the bot? it doesn't work because there isn't a harpoon equipped or in the inventory.. SO I'm asking if anyone know's a script that supports this type of fishing so i can benefit from the additional strength xp? please stop being difficult Volta.. thats pretty sad dude to jump on a thread and just talk down to someone without even attempting to help them.. why are you here? i needed some fucking help now i got some stupid fucking smart ass cunt 12 year old who thinks he's the fucking man by playing captain obvious.. grow the fuck up u stupid dickhead VOLTA YOU HAVE RUINED MY EXPERIENCE ON THESE FORUMS!!! and i have written some lengthy feedback reports for some scripts.. so get fucked asshole Wooza.... That script SPECIFICALLY says Tips: Make sure to have your fishing equipment on you (fishing net, harpoon etc)...like cmon dude.. are you all this useless? haha THANKS TOM! That's exactly what I'm after, cheers for your help mate!
  6. i know what the skill is and how to do it lol.. could you suggest a script that doesn't check the equipment spot? thanks
  7. Hey guys, I've tried having a look but can't seem to find anything. Is there anyway to bot the type of barbarian fishing where you catch the fish with your hands? i.e. tuna/swordfish and sharks? thanks heaps!
  8. Pollnivneach still, I had just done that slab of 20 hours or so in the screenshot, went and did a few quests for recipe and came back to polly, set it up walked out came back and i was logged out haha, this shit happens i still vote the script 5/5 its my own fault for getting banned haha but its worth the statistic i suppose oh, and if u go to start pollnivneach facing south with a low camera angle, it will try and click things in the way to start the first obstacle, not rotate the camera on its on first to find the first obstacle, this is very very minor but noticed it as i got banned haha If mods lurk these forums like i don't see why they wouldn't, I'm definitely screwed haha :P
  9. good script as i gave in my review for the trial i was so generously given, but literally less than 5 minutes after purchasing the script and using it i walked into the other room, came back and I've now been permanently banned and its un appealable.. so use at your own risk people, its a great way to smash skills but it comes at a great risk! I've now just lost out on roughly $30 USD haha
  10. ​I would have thought that the pause is part of the anti ban? IMO disabling anti bans YES it gets you closer to a perfect lap aka better xp/hr BUT the point of anti-ban is a human can't do the same thing over and over 'perfectly' for hours on end it is very unrealistic, human error is what differentiates man from machine. You know when your normally doing agility and you alt-tab or cmd-tab to your Facebook page or whatever, then tab back and uve been waiting at the next obstacle for 5 seconds or so then you continue on, this anti ban feature is doing that exactly, it can just seem like a glitch when ur staring at the screen waiting for it to happen haha. In my Pollnivneach review a few posts earlier I described how awesome I've found the anti ban on this script to be, and although i might be only pumping out a solid 36k xp/hr I can safely run the script for hours on end without having to worry about being screen monitored
  11. POLLNIVNEACH ROOFTOP 70+ AGILITY: / SCRIPT FEEDBACK / - 25th Jan 2015 - 12:00am in the last 10 hours (roughly 4-5 under full supervision) I've ran this script non-stop without ANY bugs or glitches, the anti ban behaviour seems slightly different to other ones I've used before, but this is in a good way! the time outs to the 45 degree rotations the camera makes are all excellent anti bans, not to mention the nice quiet location of pollnivneach to begin with overall I would highly recommend this script for training agility 70+ thanks to Khaleesi for letting me have a play around on this script, I'll definitely be purchasing it and will keep this thread up to date with anything related that i may come across. - Chats UPDATE: / ADDITIONAL FEEDBACK / - 26th Jan 2015 - 2:00am I Have continued using the bot for the last 8 hours and am about to go to bed, again I'm really impressed with how random the anti ban seems to be. The only downside is I'm only pumping out 36k xp/hr when according to guides much more can be achieved, although this is a happy sacrifice after coming back from my first ban and being hesitant with only 1 more warning before i'd have to call it quits for good. Levels achieved after approximately 18 hours use: 70-77 UPDATE: / POLLNIVNEACH SCREENSHOT / - 26th Jan 2015 - 4:15pm Hit lvl 80 just before, added an additional 14 hours overnight and a took screenshot so you could see the bulk its handled OVERALL RATING: 5/5 (based on Pollnivneach Rooftop over timeframe specified)
  12. Hey I just jumped on to test the script and it disappeared as i tried to use it, did u remove the trial? cheers
  13. Thanks!! I am on ban for another 6 hours though, at which time it will be 1am local time for me. So I hope I can get some testing in otherwise would you mind starting the 24 hour trial in 6-12 hours? Thanks!!
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