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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by iponu777

  1. I understand lists and stuff, just not the syntax or stuff like filters and some other stuff... my knowledge is limited to AP CS teachings,. Where just learning really about polymorphism, inheritance, and stuff like that for sub and super classes atm
  2. So say i have a bird snare and i want to refer back to at that specific position.. How would i refer back to it later?? so like i want to be like birdSnareOrigin.interact("pickup"); but how would i declare that...
  3. I'll make another visual to show you, when I get home....
  4. How is there no function... I clearly stated the function is clicks/time... With that information you can get a best fitting line aka curve fitting. Which gives us a function. Thus allowing us to get a derivative which gives us rate of clicks at a time *constant = which gives a basis of speed to work off of...
  5. When you obtain the derivative, aka instantaneous rate of change, or tangent you are given a constant... that is what you would use .. you wouldn't take the second derivative that would make no sense
  6. There would definitely need to be a rework. The interactions would need a case where it refers back to array. So an interaction like find and click an item in the inventory would need to check if there is such an array and get it's instantaneous rate to change the speed...
  7. array of doubles should probably be an array of objects with a time and value...... (probably would only work for really repetitive tasks) So what we do.. create a simple program in java that would take 5 minutes to code it records the time and clicks over a period of time maybe 2 hours Then we take the derivative of that and take that rate and use it as a constant. and create a array of the constants at time the script then checks in when it is doing a task like sleeping, clicking, etc... and refers to the object of the same time and finds its click speed thus imitating a real person Just thought of this probably will get debunked or someone will prove it useless but thought i would post it... *i did a shitty job of drawing the original function i know...
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