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  1. how old was ur main acount? and whatd u get banned for?
  2. hey guys, just botting zmi using khals runerafter and it logs me out randomly like every half an hour or even less and when i toggle logger it says " we dont have the right runes terminating sript" and i have law runes astral runes and using 20 air runes to bank. i have npc contact toggled and i always have runes to tele to ourania. happens after it gets the mixture of runes then doesnt tele to ourania instead logs out saying we dont have the right runes?? anyone can help?
  3. hey khal, everytime im using zmi it says when i toggle logger, "we dont have the right runes, terminating sript" and it logs out. Thing is i have every rune to tele and npc contact etc, any explanation. it just logs out and does nothing.
  4. hey khal, im doing zmi and everytime it banks all the runes it banks the staminas as well as i have 100 stamina (4) potions then it takes 1 out and it looks suss. itd be better if u withdraw a stamina drink and deposit it back in bank if that makes sense so then every 2 minutes he drinks another
  5. hey man can i please get a trial before i buy it :L)
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