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  1. And could u make it so the script is able to use the prayer altar in poh when refilling?
  2. Bro the script refuses to leave the bank after refilling on one of my scripts cant figure out why.
  3. [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: 2) We seem to be at the fight area, turning on the travel flag to prevent teleporting... [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: "did_teleport_fight" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: W@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: "did_teleport_bank" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 153 [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: Npc name is: [Skeletal Wyvern] [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:17 fm]: [PRAYER] Fight tile is on minimap, activating quickprayer! [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:18 fm]: Unable to detect suitable npcs from detected (8 npcs), resorting to backup detector.. [INFO][Bot #2][09/16 11:35:18 fm]: Trying findFirstTargetNpc... all command size: 153 Script doesnt run to the monsters, runs above them on the minimap and just stands there thinking its down in the cave, worked flawlessly untill this morning never had a problem with this script
  4. Yo bro could i get a trial Love all ur other scripts Yo bro could i get a trial Love all ur other scripts Yo bro could i get a trial Love all ur other scripts
  5. Taylano

    Stealth Quester

    Any chance of a trial before buying?
  6. Fixed it by creating a new save file, idk what difference it made but it worked
  7. Yo bro, the script worked perfect for 12 days straight. Now it just stands in fally bank unable to detect blue dragons and it refuses to leave the bank, why? Spams resorting to backup detector
  8. The script is legit ass had it before it works like trash, the author doesnt give a fuck and blames the user. Broken script dont buy Unneccessary trash talk i withdraw my comment
  9. Thank u fam :)! Much appreciated
  10. Bro, the script is not eating on the way to the spawn. For example im using it on blue dragons in falador, and the script keeps dying to chaos dwarfs on the way to the Blue dragons cause its not eating whilst walking over there? Other than that the script is a1 perfect, works on all characters except for the pure im trying to bot there cause it keeps dying on the way. Any fixes for this?
  11. Status said drinking pot or something like that. Just got a skeletal wyvern task, script went to turael and cancelled it then took an assignment from him. Rinse and repeat it stood there for hours, I have no clue how im not banned yet, been using the script with a runtime of about 72 hrs. In total the script has been working for like 6 of those, and thats not even fully afk. I dont even have the energy to complain anymore, its not a good script. Sorry but its not. And its certainly not a script you should feel okay charging 15 euros for. Theres simply too many bugs, its not afk at all, and the script just does the most dumb shit to get the character banned. Like the Kurask bug, the script just stood there swapping from Combat screen to inventory screen for ? Idk how long said i had 2 completed tasks in 15 hours. Must have been standing there for 12+ hrs. Amazing
  12. https://gyazo.com/99bcffe0d94374b12cffe4c60895688c Its not even attacking the kurasks, just standing there afk doing nothing.
  13. Bro whatever this is its not a completed script. Had the script on for 24 hours, script bugged out after 3 tasks. Now its standing at kurasks clicking between combat window and inventory window back and forth. says checking gem for assignment but all its trying to do is get me banned.
  14. Cancelled hellhound task, got a wyrm task. The script walked to the wyrms and the client lags out. And u being active on the forum and not giving me a proper response is ridicilous, ima do the refund process through my bank
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