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  1. I was thinking you put it in the settings tab of the script. I noticed if often runs out of run energy, and just keep walking around instead. My idea would be, that you let us set a option where I as an example, can put the number 47, when I get 47 run energy, the script turns it on. if it doable you could make it a range instead, so it would be bite more random
  2. I will just keep to my knows methods then. Its not like in 2009-2010 where we could bot for days with no bans. For future updates, you could maybe get it to enable run after it reachs X amount of energy?
  3. Oh cool, thats why it didn't change yet. Thanks man! Your script is still rocking. If I was to bot for longer period of times, Breaking would be adviced right? currently I have a break profile that plays 3-5 hours or so, and take a 30 minutes-1 hpur break.
  4. Hi mate, have you pushed update 3.13 to the rep? I still seems to run on 3.11
  5. Ye, as I wrote in the edit, It fixed itself with a client restart, so must be a client issue. My only problem now is the server lag, but thats nothing we can do anything about. Thanks for the wonderfull script ;)
  6. I just tryed running this again. Using same settings as I always do, it start emptying my allready empty inventory, after that it grabs a camelot teletab. And repeat. Seems like it fail to take out my food. Could it be that jagex changed the IDs? I'm sorry, I tryed to reload the client, and it all worked :i Ooops
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