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  1. Didn't mean to come across as rude, just informative. Added. Seers also isn't working.
  2. By "state" I meant "status" if you want to be technical. The state of the script is the current logical operation that's being processed. Regardless as to if you use the term "state" in your code, or even an implementation of enumerations to maintain "status". The only reason I did not present a screenshot of the console log, is because there's nothing in there. Just the standard "script started" code. Please note, I've restarted my client numerous times. I'm also not having problems on any other course, only the varrock rooftop.
  3. - Mirror or regular client? Mirror & Regular - What course/rooftop? Varrock Rooftop - Which obstacle? All. Just sits there for about a minute "Setting up script" then changes the state to "Camera rotation". Script stands still and slowly rotates camera every few seconds. Anti-ban disabled or enabled. P.S: This rooftop was working around four hours ago. NOTE: Trying to 'help' the script by starting the course does nothing. NOTE2: When anti-ban is enabled, it gets stuck on other states as-well. Such as "Random mouse movement" and "Hovering skill" and "Moving mouse off screen"
  4. This was exactly what I was thinking I would have to do, I was just hoping I wouldn't have to have so many waypoints. Alright, thanks guys. I'll finish this off in the morning then. CBA writing all the different waypoints out tonight. EDIT: As for the confusion on webwalkers ability to solve SS, it came from this thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/67374-web-walking-in-progress/ Didn't notice it wasn't the official.
  5. Currently I'm having some issues with webwalker in combination with the Stronghold of Security. It will use one of the gates, however it will then just keep using the gate over and over again. This leads me to believe that the Stronghold of Secuirty is not yet supported by the webholder, or at-least solving it is not. Is it possible to figure out when the webwalker interacts with an object, pause the webwalker, do whatever you need to do with the object (In this case, solve the gate's question.. which is simple) and then resume the webwalker. As of right now I'm just spam clicking a gate and that's not acceptable.
  6. Very simple, I'll release a script for it tomorrow probably.
  7. Oh doi, my lack of sleep had me looking for global getters. Thanks for pointing it out. Really need some rest.
  8. Hey everyone, I'm attempting to get all of the ground item stacks around a player. I've been going through the documentation and I'm slightly confused on how to represent an ItemStack on the ground that should be looted. For example, say there's two item stacks on the ground. However I want to loot the item stack with the most items in it. I've looked at the class "GroundItemStack" but it seems to have absolutely no methods for obtaining information about the items even though the documentation say that it's a ground item container. "Represents a ground item container." Next I turned to "GroundItems" and I saw it had a .get(x, y) and a .getAll() which returned a List<>. However these are not available to me, as they do not exist. The only existing methods are gRandom(iiiiiiiiii) and random(iiiiiiii). I would have also of expected the GroundItemStack class to provide information on the item stack, such as the Position. If anyone can give me a nudge I'd be very greatful.
  9. I was under the impression it was lifetime sponsor, or I would have bought it; Honestly.
  10. The on-line time only accumulates since the plugin was activated. I had hours, if not days of online time back in 2013. I was also one of the first sponsors, iirc.
  11. I'm sure not many of you are still around from back when I started off here at OSBot, but I was upon the first few script developers we had back in 2013. OSBot was still undergoing quite a few problems back then and nobody knew which way was up because of the lack of error reporting that groovy had(has). I've decided I'm going to start writing scripts again in my free time; I know it's been awhile and we have quite a bit of experience script developers around, but I like to use my own scripts anyway. Anyway, just saying hey to anyone that remembers meh. XenoFightCaves anyone? 1-99 strength for days.
  12. Fml, wish I could get my old script from the 2013 archives.

  13. For future clarification the way we are using the Enum is no different than a way you would use a String, int, long, double, var, or def.
  14. HOLY GOD, not what I had in mind. Not going to be doing this any-time soon, did this for vInsert for the small ammount of $60 and it got me nowhere fast, and supported an idiots cause.
  15. &nbsp; &nbsp;Really isn't much to show, if you get it you get it, if you don't you don't. It's very basic scripting and anybody who understands a hello world program using a switch would understand this. /: EDITED with slight comment adjustments
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