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  1. yeah it also got me banned last weekend. took breaks every hour and on one account i only used it for~2 hours, hadn't botted on that account before 2k+ total. but its cool 2 day ban.
  2. used it for a few hours so far, really nice script making dart tips at least, gonna buy next week and get me wilderness elite diary.
  3. trial for your smither pls sir. the guy doing the botting to max on youtube sent me
  4. guessing this script is flawless if no one has commented in over a week? thinking of purchasing, would appreciate a trial first though pls sir.
  5. i just checked the zulrah script, dont think it supports quest cape and fairy rings only charters... that's asking for a ban, i'll probably avoid for now! i heard that the more genuine hours gametime you have, the more likely you will receive a 2 day ban instead of permanent. did you ever play legit on the accounts?
  6. has anyone ever been straight up perm'd for macro'ng on a 2k+ total account they've never botted on before? i mean like... i might aswell get my 2 day temp ban first amirite?
  7. is all of the defence quested or naw? you've said like nothing about the account.
  8. amatuer move posting your ingame name on a botting forum, let alone having it as your username hi.
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