Looking for an account mainly with 60+ in agi and mining. Also wanting stats that get close to lunar diplomacy ideally. RC levels help as well I will not be botting this account so if it was a previous ban that is now lifted that could work as well for me!
I have one but I am probably not trusted enough for your liking. I have it listed on playerauctions if you are willing to buy from there. https://www.playerauctions.com/rs2007/account/o!128252512/
Looking around for someone trusted with this type of account. I will pay any method you wish and you name your price and I will more then likely pay it. I am looking to buy an account within the next 2-3 weeks. I will not look at offers if you aren't trusted. I have been scammed several times now and I'm not going to deal with that again. Post down below or PM me with your accounts.
So I was wondering what people's opinion on the safest method for using the NMZ absorbtion method. I would only semi afk if using a ghost mouse and manually click the overloads. Or would just a auto clicker with random intervals or something be best over these two? Just looking for opinions. I know theres a risk with them all and just wondering what people think is the "safest". I would use Fruity's NMZ script if I were to bot it
Malphite is strong right now. Since you picked annie though im assuming you play mid lane though? only two midlaners there are veigar and tf and i wouldnt reccomend tf if you are somewhat new
Looking for 70/70/70 with these quests done Vampire slayer, Tree gnome Village, Fight arena, Mountain Daughter and Lost city. dont care about anything else on the account