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  1. Shouldn't it have run already? http://gyazo.com/77df37f8d0264c4c30c3631ee3452673 EDIT*: It started to run. But then stops right by the black unicorns? http://gyazo.com/9d63d3d305d3c06dd69ce4ff7dd12bc2 Also, on the return trip from the bank, the bot just sits by the black unicorns. This script definitely needs some fixing. http://gyazo.com/bb76e3b5feb2dd68a0c79bdc94a7b345
  2. Also Agressive isn't fixed, still stands right under the crab. Just saying.
  3. Also the bot seems to do this: It walks over to the black unicorns and just stops. http://gyazo.com/4acbc9873f289790be99332d6a37c431 http://gyazo.com/3e61d0fd2ed5ba32ffbccd6cb71532a7
  4. Currently the bot walks under crabs that are already up. This needs to be fixed bad. View My Video
  5. I purchased PerfectCrabs(Pro) and there is no option to download. If this is no longer available I would like to be refunded and ask that it be removed, however if it is avaibable it should be able to download automatically.
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