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About DoubleD

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. DoubleD

    Stealth Quester

    Did you see my bug report as well @Token?
  2. DoubleD

    Stealth Quester

    Keeps getting stuck at multiple phases at Varrock museum quest. Almost literally at every question. [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: selecting answers: [Sunlight, The Slayer Masters, Three, Squamata, It becomes sleepy, Hair] [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: failed to find answer widget [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: position: [x=1743, y=4977, z=0]; next: Varrock Museum Quiz; queue: 7; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: checking extra conditions: false false false 2 0 0 0 [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: running quest: Varrock Museum Quiz; current stage: 2 [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: kudos = 0, position = [x=1743, y=4978, z=0]: config = 10 [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: selecting answers: [Sunlight, The Slayer Masters, Three, Squamata, It becomes sleepy, Hair] [INFO][Bot #1][10/09 12:46:25 PM]: failed to find answer widget
  3. u have doubeling script?


  4. My provider doesn't offer that option, thanks for thinking with me anyways. I have already wasted 10$ per month on the extra SSD for over 2 years so this already helps me a lot!
  5. Only using it for botting. Thanks a lot both!
  6. Hello guys, I am not a computer expert. However, I am looking in upgrading my dedicated server, especially CPU. In the decision I have to choose whether I go for 240GB SSD or 480GB SSD. I am not sure if the GB SSD has an influence on the performance of the bots, hopefully something can tell me? For information: I am running around 30 bots each using around 300 mb per client. Thanks in advance!
  7. Looking for someone who can make me 10 F2p accounts with 30/30/30 melee stats. - I will provide tut island completed accounts. - Service need to be completed on a proxy I provide.
  8. DoubleD

    Fruity NMZ

    Is it possible to start the script from CLI?
  9. What would people pay for Zulrah Mage only accounts with 90 magic/70def/43pray and Regicide + NMZ quests done?
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