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That Str Tho

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  1. Hey Khal could i get a trial of this please
  2. Received 45m from Gunman, all sorted now thanks.
  3. No worries. I'm away hunting for 4 days so be back sun or something. Cheers
  4. https://imgur.com/a/HYujX6o Messaged the other day, heard nothing back. Hasn't paid etc.
  5. It's 30 days you told me, don't try buy inferno capes next time.
  6. Yeap, no worries. I'm not going to bother replying to the last statement he's made, he's been banned for the inferno cape he tried to buy im guessing.
  7. He's told me the account is banned for 30 days for real world trade, so its not perma, its also for rwt and that has a reason attached to it if you log on to where you can appeal he could post a picture or something to prove that. [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN]
  8. @Gunman So he re-added me and all of a sudden when the Scammer accusation he can talk 2 days later, let alone if i did have the account or any access he'd surely be asking me for the other 105m that i would've owed him. [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN]
  9. That Str Tho


    Bought this account, t4t
  10. Disputed member: deadman5713 https://osbot.org/forum/profile/391192-deadman5713/ Thread Link: He Pm'd me after seeing this post i made. Pm's = [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] Explanation: Offered me a ds2 account for 150m osrs, he was in a rush to get to bed and i could only get 45m together in a hurry so he said i could pay 45m and 105m in the morning. Traded him the gold and he sent the email address, and password change link which i changed the password. I then requested the registered email to be changed to one of mine but he kept saying he wasn't getting the emails. So i tried logging into the account and the account says Too many login attempts try again later or whatever, tried this several times during the day spaced out hours at a time still unable to login. I ask for my 45m back several times and he ignores, comes back hours after the last reply and i ask for my money back again. Then i threaten to make a scammer accusation against him and have evidence of a archived scammer accusation against him https://osbot.org/forum/topic/164558-afcajax020-multiple-accountsscammer/#comment-2234273. (same discord id : 684752222508154946 Instantly goes offline and blocks me. Evidence: Discord Pms : [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] Osrs trade of 45M : [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] Gif of discord UID: [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN] ID : 684752222508154946
  11. Looking for 1-2 ds2/dragon slayer 2 accounts. Post/Pm price and info.
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