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Trade With Caution
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Jalen last won the day on September 16 2014

Jalen had the most liked content!

About Jalen

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Black Poster

Black Poster (5/10)



  1. Dog_

    Just thought I'd say Harold is not arm2.

  2. disputed member=@Dog_ account sharing
  3. if you do it on easy you wont die
  4. should be good, i think you wont die even if ur 70/70/70
  5. he got banned for spamming a different bot also, tyrant got banned for threatening to ddos eliot after saying he was going to scamquit
  6. league accounts are not worth as much as you put into them
  7. Jalen


    atleast now he cant be an asshole to me
  8. Really? I played on horde thrall too, what guild are you in?
  9. Disputed member:balloons Thread Link:cant find it Explanation:he said he would make me a free signature then just deleted the pm from inbox and never responded Evidence:
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