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Trade With Caution
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About sirap

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  1. your RSGP prices are RS3 right? Because $5 is like 2M 07
  2. He has a girlfriend, so no.
  3. sirap

    Fuck yall!

    There is no weapon recoil on it man.
  4. This means, the next offence if caught again will be the original amount (13 days) + 8 days more to total a 21 day ban (3 weeks) which it has always been. So the next offence will be 21 days not including time banned already. 7-14-21-perm is what it used to be.
  5. 99% sure spam subsection doesn't count for post count and if you do pointless posts outside this subsection they'll get removed.
  6. Their college is our University so it's kind of different.
  7. sirap


    Don't like the colour scheme also Dg_ is a faggot.
  8. Has been placed in TWC on a different site for possibly scamming somebody for his whole items with no response as of yet.
  9. Nice giveaway to those who're active.
  10. Just joined now but i'm guessing it's related to the difficulty of botting on RS currently.
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