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  1. ya im using the most updated one v1.061 please help me wanna try this shit out
  2. Anyone experience this problem? I get a blue screen that says Please set your window mode to fixed first! I get this right after the osbot is loading its hooks. This is my first time using mirror mode btw. http://gyazo.com/3c632b3cf343592c2c7bc6ffe6f94374
  3. I see. Can you say the ban rate atm is the worst you have seen and like has botting been dead or just the past couple weeks?
  4. ight thanks a lot for the quick answers really appreciated.
  5. thanks for the input guys but i just wanna know two things. 1. Is p2p really going to make a big difference because i have like 10 bonds and i dont mind using them i was just trying to get 60 wc in f2p before i use the bonds. 2. What u mean the client is detectable? Do you mean just by using the client jagex thinks im botting?
  6. Well I started botting again after 2 years and wanted to farm some gold. I made 5 accounts and tried to bot wc and got them to 30 wc in 2 hours and then went to sleep. When i woke up 4/5 accounts were banned. I wanna know is it the free script that got me banned or was it cuz i was f2p? If i buy a premium script will that lower my chances and if i brought my accounts p2p will that lower my chances as well. Or is botting wc just an autoban? If somebody can gimme some answer that'll be great.
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