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Chicken Wing

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Posts posted by Chicken Wing

  1. I'm not flaming in any way. Yes, I called the tiny snippet of code you posted buggy, and "shit". That is not me flaming you in any way. If you want to get all defensive and post bullshit insults towards me as a person (you've done this several times now, acting like I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to program), then go for it, pal. You're the one that needs to find something constructive to do with your time.

    Prove it then buddy. I'm a bot developer unlike you, and unless the scripting is handled on the game engine's thread (it's not.) You have a race condition!

    Ok? So you're going to defend yourself by saying that other bad developers are doing what you're doing? Hooray for confirmation bias! Also, more passive aggressive insults via your big ego! Yes yes, you know everything, and I know nothing.

    Please don't even bother replying to me, I'm ending this here. You're too stupid to listen to anything I have to say. You throw personal insults everywhere, go off topic, and are extremely stubborn.


  2.  My bad I'm multitasking I meant to ask if you could explain creating the conditionals and implementing them into WebWalkEvent breaks over teamviewer. lol


    Dude, frostbug literally gave you the code for it, just change the condition method to your own condition that you want to break the event

  3. Don't create your own webwalker, use the one osbot has made for you.



    On the real though don't make a WWE use the osbot one.



    I am a little confused. Do you think you could spare a minute on Teamviewer to let me know what creating your own WebWalkEvent consists of?

    • Like 2
  4. distPerc = (double)((currentDist / startDistance) * 100);

    Still doesn't work :c



    I don't think you're fixing the problem there,

    distPerc = (((double)currentDist / (double)startDistance) * 100.0);

    and make sure disPerc is of type double too, I think that should work?

  5. Walk via making a WebWalkEvent object, and use the method setBreakCondition(Condition breakCondition), then execute the event.

    You need to make a Condition object that has the condition where you want the event to terminate.


    Condition condition = new Condition() {
        public boolean evaluate() {
            return getBank().isOpen(); 
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