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  1. Hey update on my error, I kept using a tali for 30 minutes and then a tiara for another 30 and it did not duplicate so maybe it was just a fluke or Idk what. Great Script!
  2. I'll try out a Tiara and get back to you on that. But to clarify, the problem is that when you get to the Air Altar, in my case, it looks like you make an attempt to click the Altar and then just stand there until log out unless you hit pause then play. If you hit pause then play it works just as advertised. EDIT: It appears to be working fine atm... I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I can duplicate again.
  3. Hey Khal, I'm using your script to make air runes and every time he gets to the altar, like actually inside, he misses the rune ess and just stands there, but if I restart the script he runs over to the altar and crafts, he repeats this everytime. Tried putting my ttally in the bottom of my bag and same problem. It fixes it self every time I pause and start it or reset it.
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