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  1. So what happens now? Am I out of an account and $350.00? I don't understand.
  2. Thank you for covering the username. I was going to while taking the screenshots and totally forgot. I appreciate it very much!
  3. To start off, I hate that I have to post this thread against this guy. He's helped me so much with the account so far, seeing that he's the original owner. The fact that he hasn't replied to any of my messages when I know he's online, has forced my hand. I purchased a maxed main via PlayerAuctions from a user here at OSbot, Impassive. Impassive had purchased the account previously on OSbot from ExtraEnigma. I had the account for a month or so before Impassive tried to scam it back, in which I lost access to the account. I made a dispute thread here, and with the help of the mods and extraenigma, I was able to regain control of the account and I was on my way. I was hoping there wouldn't be anymore trouble regarding the account, since extraenigma seemed trustworthy since he's helped me out a lot. Around November 30th, I tried to log in to my account and it said invalid user/password. Immediately I thought maybe Impassive or someone was messing with my account, so I tried contacting extraenigma via Skype As you can see, I message him periodically for about a month. The reason I haven't made this thread sooner is simply because I haven't seen him online. I thought maybe he was out on vacation or spending time with family for Thanksgiving/Christmas. So, I let it pass. Now that it's January and I saw him online on OSbot yesterday at 4:00 PM and he still hasn't replied, it's kind of sketchy. I tried recovering the account myself, just to see if I could. Take into mind, extraenigma declined to give me any information for the account at all. He told me if I ever had a problem, that he would recover the account for me. Said he didn't want me to have his personal information, which I can understand. I managed to get the account locked, saying it was hacked and that the email was changed. After receiving that email, I decided to try and fill out the password reset form, hoping that what I had would be enough to recover the account for me. A few days later, my friend sends me a gyazo (screenshot) over steam, asking if I had gotten my account back or not. The gyazo showed that my account was logged in. I currently do not have that screenshot since steam erases all messages after closing the chat. I also get a reply from Jagex regarding my password reset. So, from what I have gathered and seeing that extraenigma hasn't replied to any of my messages, everything points to him. Which is unfortunate because I genuinely that he was a good guy. Here's a screenshot that shows him online yesterday at 4:54 PM I've also sent him OSbot messages in which he hasn't read. No idea why he didn't read them while he was signed on yesterday. If you need anything else, please let me know. I had built a decent bank on the account and it's been gone for over a month. I'd like to get this resolved so we can go on our ways.
  4. He just said that's the only reason he took and sold them. He's not going to sell kraken and d legs for much at all. LOL. How much gp will I be receiving? I'm finished with the dispute after I receive it.
  5. Now that I think about it, Impassive is blaming Enigma for taking my bank. When Enigma logged in, I was last at drags in what he said - whip, nezzy, fury, ect. I wasn't using my kraken tentacle while I slayed, it was in my bank. I had a normal abby whip to slay with and then the tentacle whip to stake with. If Impassive thinks Enigma took everything from my bank, why did he leave a kraken? Don't you think that's odd? I believe Impassive took my bank and I would like it returned to me. The evidence is stacked against him honestly. Enigma has done nothing but be of the greatest help to me. Impassive is trying to blame him for taking my bank so he doesn't have to either give it back or get banned because he doesn't have it anymore. I would like either of the two. ^
  6. Can we leave the dispute open until I receive the items he admitted to taking? Thanks.
  7. I said you could have the bank simply because I wasn't going to be able to get the items from you. That was still my bank that I had earned by myself. You got a lot more than what you listed. :p.
  8. I have a picture of what I had on the account before it was locked and returned to Impassive. I can even have Enigma vouch that I at least had a whip and fury on my account. He may even vouch for everything that was in the bank since he had the account after the pin was off. Here are before and after pictures of the bank. If you look at the capes and see how everything is organized, you can see some resemblance. Before Impassive got the account - After I received the account last night & the bank pin from Impassive - Look at all the items in the bank tab and you can tell it's the same bank, I'm not trying to pull any crap. He took all the valuables and didn't play on the account after that. I didn't expect my items to be on there, but I think it's pretty crappy that he took everything I worked for.
  9. Enigma has recovered the account for me. He has complied with everything I've asked of him, and I'm very appreciative of that. Impassive, the account has a bank pin on it that isn't mine, so I'm assuming everything I had on the account is gone. Would you PM me the bank pin so I don't have to wait 7 days? Thanks.
  10. Before Impassive had the account returned to him, I also had about 20-30m bank from staking that I made on my own. I'll be very disappointed if that's all gone.
  11. I honestly don't think Enigma would do that. He hasn't been on skype or anything, but that doesn't mean he's the one behind this. I see how it could be thought of in that way though. I dunno, I think we should have a deadline in which people need to meet.
  12. He told me he would recover the account once he saw Dex's decision. He messaged me and asked if I knew how to run the java applet to recover the account. I haven't heard anything from him since then.
  13. Enigma has yet to reply to my messages or recover the account. I'm not sure what's going on at his end, but it's been over a day since he's communicated with me. Like I said, not sure if something is wrong and he's dealing with something, but I'd like to get a heads up on everything instead of sitting here waiting.
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