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  1. 5 hours of play with multiple breaks and smooth scripting on an account with low ban rate etc DON'T BOT MOTHERLODE GUYS!!! It's a free ban!!!
  2. Dude what a nice update man the oak dungeon doors work so smooth right now, the thing with the butler all fixed it always removes the door before talking to the butler great update dude!! using the key shortcuts now what it makes way more human like!! i will advice this script to everyone just because this script maker cares a lot about how the script runs!! didn't come to the opend dungeon doors part yet but i will keep you in touch when i got any bugs!! Thx alot man!! also with the fact that you kept communicating
  3. Thx man Thx man!! i love your script i will babysit it then untill you've fixed it!
  4. I make oak dungeon doors started yesterday with using the script and have a little bug: Sometimes he misclicks on open door instead of remove when the door opens the script gets stuck untill you close the door. Then i found another bug that the demon butler get's stuck behind the door when it's closed after building. Keeps clicking on the butler while he can't reach him. Awesome script man thankyou!!
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