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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. at least u came to the realization ur a weeaboo


    I like watching the shows but i'm no weirdo who forgot to shower, festering in one's sweat and BO, pretending to be a wannabe Japanese dude while waving around some flimsy cheap katana and bodypillow with enough cumstains to stand on its own. 



  2. One day you will find your soulmate and be happy.

    the question is never IF you will find the right partner, just when.!


    Don't search for it.

    It will come one day.


    for sure smile.png


    And about friends,

    get a hobby, something you like not Gym, get some sport you need to train in groups.


    one day i'll find her mate just gotta be patient till then.


    Keep your chin up mate wink.png

    I was in a similar situation awhile ago, but i thought to myself fuck it! So i gave up gold farming, bought myself a camera and now explore Australia smile.png


    damn son do upload some pics would love to see them.


    i like being lonely but then again having someone to celebrate with is nice


    y u never on rs bruv i miss you </3


    Well, I do believe life can get lonely, as you stated.


    I mean, you do have a job, and if you go to the gym, it's probably to stay healthy? Fit? Somewhere around those lines?

    Friends and friendships/relationships are kinda just gonna come and go, and I guess if you do want to have good friends, you do have to constantly keep in touch with each other or make the "relationship" between you work, in some way, and if whatever I say seems stupid in some way... I'll edit after I get some sleep lol.


    And sure your life could probably see some positive alternatives, and other stuff, but I mean, don't be so hard on yourself, and It seems, everyone here tries to help each other, either by genuily caring, or making it into a clown fiesta, which I mean, it can help in some way? LOL


    thanks man cherishing these good vibes.


    go socialize then bro... js making a post about being lonely online will not help lol


    its so much easier to complain on the internet and garner sympathy from strangers.


    I feel you but do you first and then life will move along its just a slow period and you know you gotta SAVE DAT MONEY.


    yeah all about that money. question is what i'm going to spend it on. Hm...


    we're all gonna make it brah


    i'ma drink to that budd. Thumbs-Up.png


    zyzz=god ^^^^^


    the only and one worthy to be worshipped.


    hopefully I responded to everyone, thanks again for dropping by my post and taking the time to write.

  3. well if you even need someone to talk to, i am here

    same goes to any other osbot member feeling lonely or depressed


    thanks man your cat picture always makes me stupidly happy for whatever reason whenever I see it.


    Aslong as your are happy it's fine.

    Life is only as good as how happy you are...


    If you feel you miss something to be ahppy, then do something about it ^^

    it's your life, do whatever you want so you can be happy.




    i wanted to be an astronaut when I was growing up but then reality kicked right thru that door lol. the only thing I'm missing right now is a girlfriend but that in itself is a completely different issue, that takes time and finding the right person.


    no one forced you into that 9-5 of unhappiness :/ if you're unhappy change something i guess :s go out more and meet new people?


    it's not like i'm dissatisfied working at the job and it's only one day out of my week. and i don't even mind meeting the people there, it's just I have nothing in common with them haha. 

  4. I'm making lots of money now but I've come to the realization that this shit is literally worthless. What's the point of having all this side money to spend when you got no one around to celebrate with. When all your friends you grew up with locally are either nowhere near anymore due to their jobs/other responsibilities or they just moved on with life in their own separate direction.


    literally all i do is work a blue collar job one day of the week and go to the gym for my daily interaction with society. other than that i'm a secluded rat staved off from society watching shitty internet memes and 2d chinese cartoons in the dark.


    gg life

  5. Hope i dont get banned for saying it but practice on some pking private servers that are spawn in items.

    It really helps, pk with what you can afford so u get a realistic approach to it.


    we're on a botting site you won't get banned for posting that :p

  6. If you were seriously not living paycheck to paycheck, you could afford a laptop or tablet which you can then stream anime for free.

    That's always an alternative.


    I already do this except with a seedbox, but I enjoy having a physical copy which contains the boxart and all the additional extra things they add in. 

  7. Didn't say you weren't strong, I said you are a puss for trying to fake a medical situation to get out of going to the military.


    It depends on what country you are going to be fighting for and if they are in any conflict at the moment. Not everybody wants to fight for their country. regardless of what they might owe their country as a loyal citizen.


    I have to do military service at the end of my education and I come from Afghanistan. There is a real chance that I can be killed while serving for the sake of my country. To my government, I'm just some faceless nobody that's another body thrown at their army. So if it's that kind of situation, I can understand.


    But other than that yeah OP you should go for it. If your still against it though, some commitment like school/only source of income for family or faking a medical issue will get you out. Also if you reside in another country and have dual citizenship, you can just revoke your citizenship and you won't have to enlist. 

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