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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Ummmm, well i want to get a little more shapey. happy.png 

    I got kinda bony suddenly. Would love to have like BMI of 21 which is now 17 sooo umm 8-12kilograms? (im amazon tier tall) x: ew ew. 



    shapey as in curvy? well depending on your metabolism i would probably dirty bulk to get some pounds up. anything in high carbs will get your weight up and treadmill + swimming + squats will get your body to look nice. especially squats.

  2. 1) don't get arrested

    2) start bachelor


    yo homie i gotchu if you live in the states.


    Well, I suppose the first one would be getting a stable job and the second one being able to see what kind of problem I have with my brain (Lack of memory a lot of the times). 


    But your signature does make me laugh a lot of the times xD


    good luck.


    1) Gain weight back

    2) Make long time FWB into BF and try not to break up a month later

    3) Get back to school later this year and not just stay home eating twix and do nufin all day



    how much weight you trying to gain back? i can make that really easy with some food choices.


    Get in shape


    its worth it, don't quit till you see the results you want to see.


    Fight my first Kickboxing match, preferably winning it and remaining undefeated for the year x).

    Passing my exams and getting into international business and management studies would also be on the top of the list.


    good luck yo, upload one of your matches if you win.


    Trying to quit rs


    we all come back eventually.


    to kill myself


    lets hope you fail that one.

  3. So fucking hyped. After TWD's shit of a finale, hopefully this show will be really good this season. Can't wait to see what they are gonna do with Bran and the upcoming white walkers. WINTER IS COMIN BOIS


    I hope Stannis is still alive. If not oh well, just didn't like how they ended with that particular scene.

    • Like 1
  4. OH no we've lost Suriza to the retched Dark Souls D: jk jk fun game but it just takes waaaaay to much to get into it and then once you're in you're in really deep.


    idk but i think this game turned me into a masochist

  5. Just letting you know I am not serious feels.png

    But you really hate me genii, the way you act on stream and the way you moderate me... Totally different ;(


    genii tsundere confirmed


    checkmate weebs



  6. Don't know if i'm using proper terminology but would it be possible to add some sort of auto-refresh every minute so you can see when someone sent you a message or if someone replied back in a thread without having to refresh manually?


    Would this be too resource intensive/waste of time? Just a little thought if it's not too complicated to do.

  7. Flat as a sheet of paper emote3.png


    if your into doing a bit of effort, transcribing can be a good way to make some money on the side but it's not for everyone.


    or you can do one of those GPT survey websites. 

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