Hey everyone,
I want money. Cash. Gold.
My very old botting past:
Back in 2005-2009 or something, I had a main and a skiller. I used to bot Firemaking and Woodcutting 99, and I collected lot's of resources on both. I didn't have any idea about VPSs, VPNs, breaks, banrates whatsoever. I just rolled with it and never got banned. One exception tho: I had a rollback on my main, Firemaking was rolled back to 96 and Woodcutting to 92. Not much of a trouble because I would just bot it back.
When OSRS came out, I started playing again and made myself a nice medium-leveled account. I stopped playing.
My not-so-old botting past:
Recently I started playing again. I played on the medium-leveled OSRS account and got it banned very fast. I botted with it for approximately 2 hours.
I started another (legit) main because I really wanted to play again. I played legit, got most stats around 40, and I botted Runecrafting for a second just to give it a try. Didn't get a ban. In the meanwhile, I botted some skills on another account (same IP) for money. I transferred it and ended up with about 4M.
I found fishing the best way to make money in F2P, because you can simply net fish up to 20/40, then fly fish to 40, and start catching lobs. You don't need lot's of starter cash and skills, and even if it's crowded, you keep the same catchrate.
I thought I could improve my cash/h (which was about 40K/h) by letting my bot pick up cowhides. The bot got banned, and so did the main, even though it was long after I botted on the main. So, I think the cowhide bot got detected, since Lumbridge cows are under watch. They looked more closely in my main too and found some botting activity, and dropped the banhammer. All the botting was with an average of 30 minute break each 2 hours, no proxies, no mirror client.
So I started another new main and other fisherbots. I played the main legit while letting the bots fish. Fishers got banned, made new ones, got banned again. I ended up receiving a net worth of about 300k cash, which isn't very stunning. I think my approach isn't the best.
My demands
So... I want three things:
firstly, I want to make a legit main, that's pretty irrelevant because ban rates don't apply to legit accounts. Secondly, I want cash on my main. It's necessary for skills and items. I'm too lazy to earn it myself.
Last, but not least; In the long run, I want to have 99RC on my main. For both money, and coolness of the cape.
This is where I need you guys. I know I'm going to have to spend some real money in order to receive RSGP. My approach; no proxies, free script, no mirror client, all F2P, was totally wrong. It is asking for bans. I'm guessing my IP is flagged.
I'm prepared to spend money. What would be the best approach?
Some options are:
-Buy the cash for about 2.6 dollar/m. What would be a nice site to buy the cash? I'll still need a way to get 99 RC botted on my main.
-Buy VIP and a premium bot, so I can use the mirror client. What kind of bot would I buy?
Bots I consider are: Buying a RCing bot and membership for some bots. RC is great money and I'll need the bot when I want to bot my main to 99 RC. Downside to this is that crafting Nature runes has pretty high requirements. First you need 44 RC, then you need the quest, you need mining, you need defence, you need to buy gear, and so on. I could also just roll with a premium fishing script. It doesn't have that high requirements, although the money per hour is much less. Other suggestions for good money making? I'm not going to do woodcutting and mining, because they're bad gold and have high banrates.
-Buy a VPN/VPS/Proxy/TOR/whatever. Since my IP is flagged I consider this a good option. Again, would I have to buy a premium script and membership in order to make money and not get banned?
-About getting RC 99 on my main, I think TOR+Mirror client is a great option. This would be pretty cheap and sorta safe. Would this work?
Either way, I could make back some real-life money by selling some of the RSGP I made.
Do you guys have other tips for botting RC 99 and for preventing bans generally?
And does someone know a way of changing IP? Mine is most likely flagged. If I change it, and play on the same accounts on my new IP, would the new IP get flagged too? I have seen people saying they can change IPs, but they all change your 'internal' IP, which isn't the one Jagex sees.
Some food for thought!
- Lyquidate