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  1. Tick support might be really OP for Wines of Zamorak. ?
  2. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.*
  3. I see. I don't understand why they wouldn't make 0 the default though. If you don't have that knowledge it just looks broken. Already made my own "hack", but thanks!
  4. You're able to walk on that tile though.
  5. 1. OSBot Version (do NOT put "current version", be specific): 2.4.127 2. A description of the issue. Include relevant logs.: Calling getWalking().walk(); on a position that one tile around the player's position (including diagonally) doesn't do anything. I tried it in multiple places. In the image below, every time the tile is logged it is also attempting to walk there (one south). 3. Are you receiving any errors in the client canvas or the logger?: No. 4. How can you replicate the issue?: Try walking one tile away. 5. Has this issue persisted through multiple versions? If so, how far back?: I've only used 2.4.127, so not sure.
  6. This is old news. He's been confirming this for at least a year. Welcome to the group that stalks his Twitter though.
  7. This. It will be better soon because of billions of gold dumped by glitchers not being dumped anymore. In the summer the demand for gold will rise as well further increasing gold prices. Goldfarming won't change unless bot watch is improved or RS dies(Highly unlikely seeing how it's been increasing in popularity, not decreasing).
  8. Can you please remove my script from the SDN?

  9. I wasted some money testing this and it doesn't matter if you use Bonds or if you pay with your Credit Cards. The ban rates don't change.
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