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  1. Hey guys I am just under 1m xp away from achieving 99 woodcutting on my 100% f2p only botted slave. I've been suiciding this guy at willows since 90 woodcutting and made a couple 3 day+ proggies with break every 36 minutes for 3 minutes. Unfortuneatley, I didn't realize that when you use the screenshot function in OSBot it doesn't take a pic of the UI so they're kinda useless. Anyways, here are some pictures and hopefully I can get the 99 before I am banned! Here's an older post I made with proof of f2p only and how I got to 90 woodcutting but since changed to willows and picked up the account again: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/98200-longest-surviving-bot-account/ http://imgur.com/a/E7JWg and here's one of the bot still running at this very moment of posting: http://i.imgur.com/4rveWkA.png
  2. Almost all holiday items on hand and a lot of decent untradeables including prospector! http://imgur.com/a/o6r0p
  3. Thank you all for you feedback! Do you think I could fetch 100m then if I got the right buyer? Or is that a little steep? Should I be expecting a little more like 60-80m? I understand the macroing bans area hit the to the pricing and I know I haven't got any feedback but I have had this OSBot account for a fair amount of time so I feel like that would help a bit on the trust issue.
  4. Most of wealth to be leftover is in inventory. The berserker ring is imbued and so is the slayer helm however I will only leave the ring if someone pays otherwise it'll be transferred along with any cash, fury, whip etc. not shown. Also has all holiday events done.
  5. Didn't bother cropping name or anything cause' I could care less now that I've kinda run these two into the ground.
  6. Ahahah, I'm new to suicide botting accounts like this. Is this uncommon? My higher leveled yew cutter account has received a macroing major but with my (now) level 90 woodcutter still going strong. I found this weird because although I did run them on seperate worlds at all times they're names, stats, quests and appearance are the exact same except instead of a space in the name there's a 1 LOL. I'm gonna let this one burn out and use my other free bot tab for magic on my main I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. Stopped running the yew cutter script since last post and got up some combat stats with that paid cow killing script then I realized how much less gp/hr it was so I stopped after getting some combat levels. Here's my total loot so far.
  8. Nope, F2P all the way and yes anytime I'm using that script I run both at the same time because as a normal user I can only have two bots open.
  9. Just restarted script this is the better account.
  10. None at all, just been suicide botting these fuckers since I can only do two at a time. If I manage 99 wc on one of them I'll be getting up it's combat stats a bit with a cow killer script. My breaks are every 47 mins at like 9 mins each. Several 24 hour+ logs too.
  11. Currently a non-VIP user so I have been running two bots on Atoo's Yew Chopper all day everyday for just over a week. One is at 90 wc and the other 88 all from yews. netted just over 57k yews so far and yet to be banned. I wanna see if i can get one to 99 then use it as a 1def acc hahah.
  12. Every time I try and connect via TigerVNC it says connection refused :L
  13. Shoot you're right I forgot about that rule... thanks for the reminder!
  14. What ban were you given? (Major, Moderate, Minor): Minor What were you botting?: Fletching Which script did you use?: cw Fletcher Which client did you use? (Stealth/Mirror): Stealth Estimated total botting time, before ban?: Botted part of the day prior to that using a hunter script but the fletcher made it through about 6k maple longbows.
  15. I have two accounts the first in the album being a mostly finished questing zerker with halloween, christmas, easter and the cow event done. The second in the set of pictures is a 1 attack obby tanker fully quested just about to get 55 slayer to complete account and fire cape. This account also has easter, halloween and christmas done. Reply if interested! http://imgur.com/a/BcnoZ
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