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  1. hello brotherly, im still using your script and i find it gets very buggy and glitchy, for example im at red chins with 76 hunter and it still only lays down 4 traps but when i tried it out at black chins it layed 5? Also sometimes just forgets about layed traps and tries to lay new ones or just stands there (trap relocation is off yes)
  2. i bought this script and i also own pacts hunter, ill give it a review once i get high enough hunter again (got banned)
  3. I have a script i would like you to write, its quite simple and i can pay osrs gp, paypal whatever youd like sir. Pm me if youre interested in doing so we can talk prices and details. :)
  4. script works great buddy i made a new account i been playing legit on it from time to time (few combat stats, clues, ect) and i haven't got banned yet! got 68 hunter so far in 4 days of mem! would recommend adding a bit more antiban (checking skills and xp) also the way it places traps when chinning seems slow and bot like. Other than that its amazing my man keep up the amazing work my man definitely happy i purchased the script. Love that it does varrock museum and eagles peek to. 4 hour progress report all done on mirror client
  5. Just bought the script brother can't wait to try it, making a new account before i give it a go. Great work buddy!
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