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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Jonny

  1. @Krys :boge:

    Yes fine they bought the rank so they deserve to flaunt it at everyone. However, if a potential customer see's [ $ DONOR/LIFETIME SPONSOR] In a thread, he'll probably choose that person over someone who lists their market thread as "Selling osrs gold [rate]"


    Fine I guess, it's the customer's choice at the end of the day but it's not all fun and games when you see someone getting scammed and they'll be upset about it in disputes and maybe one day they'll end up doing the same shit to someone else because of their experience.



    @Give me nats



    Ultimately, it doesn't really give a reflection of the individual as it's just a pip which states "donator/sponsor"

    Like, it doesn't mean that if you choose this person you wont get scammed or anything.

    It doesn't reflect our trust, it's to increase our sales as it is more attractive than those doing "selling osrs gold"

  2. Its called a college education... But you are right, a thesaurus is one way you facilitate an illusive depiction of intellectuality. Young grasshopper is evolving hahaha.

    I'm sorry, I am college educated and that is not how you casually talk. You are not a professor so don't act like one.

  3. Not taking any customers from me. It's just funny because without the PiP's the other people wouldn't get any customers.

    I think there's two sides to the story, one side you have scamquitter obviously but the others are those who want to do legit services and want to direct customers to them rather than actual scamquitters who are cheaper. I've had multiple customers who decided to go for the cheaper option and then get scammer and/or account being ruined. It's too show dedication as well. I wouldn't just trust a buyable rank unless there is feedback to come with it.

  4. I never said you were? Are you unable to read?

    Okay that was my bad missread, anyway to settle this with a pinch. We both did something bad in the past which we paid our dues, I was twc, then removed twc and then I bought sponsor. My resentment towards you is fixated around biased opinions on the fact I believe 1-2 weeks ago you were banned and no full story came out so there was only room to suspect.

  5. Yup. And the dude was a mass ban-evader and I even offered to refund him but was unable to get ahold of him. It has been over 2 years and I've traded well over 4b. That is one case, care to add others or are do you not know the definition of track record?


    How is that a privilege? You do it to support the site, not to add clickbait to your titles

    I'm a mass ban-evader please lmfao!

  6. Uhm I have a track record of scamming? Ok. Please provide my track record. The only issues i have had is selling accounts and the OO's recovering and I always refund, not scamming? Also, don't flame me in the chatbox smile.png



    Flame? Just stating the obvious, I'm waiting on a rebuttal for my supposedly buying out of twc. 

    Of course you only have issues of selling accounts that you aren't OO, thats why you were banned.


    Quote from you:

    Story: Got banned on XXXXXXX for scamming 20m over a year ago and the person was a ban evader and he was banned shortly after. Due to my ban there, i was banned on osbot (a forum which i frequent and have over 400+fb) and was told if i wished to be unbanned i should contact the user and try to refund him, and was unsuccessful in doing so and was unbanned from osbot. Hopefully Maldesto could confirm this as it was a long time ago. Let me know what I need to do as this was over a year ago and is kind of absurd that it is just now being brought up when I have done numerous trades over the amount that was "scammed" for. I know scamming is scamming etc and I'll donate the scammed amount to sythe or w/e needs to be done to be unbanned from sythe as i have generated a nice amount of vouches on here and would not like to lose it. You can contact me on skype @ muffinrs with any questions/concerns. I don't use the XXXXXXXXX marketplace as xxxxx and osbot are my main ones. Thank you for reading my wall of text.


    • Like 3
  7. why not?


    banned rip if you need me skype me


    I can though, you bought 100$ to get out of twc. My track record isn't tainted at all because I always refund the people. It also wasn't aimed at you it's just kind of funny how right after you got 100$ donor you decided to change your thread titles and open up new shops.

    Are you that dimwitted? 

    I never bought $100 to get out of twc, I bought donor AFTER twc. I made it a point to prove myself before buying it. I bought $100 today, all the rest of my fb guess what was while I was twc.

    You have a long track record of scamming and theres no point in denying. I scammed in the past once I refunded, I deserved twc. I paid my dues.

  8. When you claim that you informed me you wouldn't accept paypal, you are correct. However, asserting that someone went on a rant, is a little excessive. I am not here to get in a childish argument with you about gold. In fact, you are making a big deal because I asked you why people do not accept pp. So I am a noob, but that does not mean I went on a tangent over Skype. After assessing your comment, one might infer that you are lacking the cognitive captive to interpret language over the internet, which I don't blame you being that most of my colleagues at the University cannot figure it out as well, or you were having a bad day, and we all have those. So, I hope you have a wonderful day, and stop assuming peoples intentions. When you assume things, you make an ass out of you and me. Enjoy your Tuesday in whatever origin of the planet you reside in.

    Using a thesaurus makes an ass out of yourself as well.

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