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Everything posted by CheapMondays

  1. Check if your account is still on the hiscores
  2. When people share the video using Google+, the person automatically comments the title of the video on that video, with a Google+ symbol thing underneath. But this guy, "Andr3wco7" just comments the title of the video but doesn't share it. Probably did it once and got such a big reaction that he kept doing it
  3. would love to test your AIO Fisher. All three of the fishing bots on the SDN are $9.99 each, don't know which one is better than the others.
  4. agh that sucks man feeling the same right now... sometimes i think why the fuck do i play this game, then i remember that rs is love, rs is life.
  5. Yeah Oh well doesn't matter, IMO it gets boring after a while when you have an almost completed main, looking forward to starting from scratch (sorta) That's true, didn't think that one through
  6. Looking on there right now, can't find anything
  7. Playing on my main, too risky to bot on as I got a bot busting ban 11 months ago (so close to expiring ), been playing legit on it, playing through the client. Only have this account, IP isn't flagged as I've changed it. Only played a couple hours the past week, in which i got up 1 strength level (88-89). Try to log in now and it's invalid, removed from HiScores . On a side-note, I had my membership linked to paypal, is it automatically cancelled? I have a feeling it isn't (JaGeX will rip you for every cent you have) so does anyone know how I can cancel it, even though I can't log into the website??
  8. Something I thought I'd quickly whip up for you, decided to make it high quality, looks better i reckon.
  9. What does my name mean

  10. I'm now looking to buy a new account to replace the one that was lost. Looking for a PVM/Main: ATK: 60 (aprox.) STR: 60 (aprox.) DEF: 60 (aprox.) RANGE: 60 (aprox.) MAGE: 60 (aprox.) PRAY: 43/52 (aprox.) PM me if you have any offers. Also PM me if you have an incomplete Void Ranger, as my friend doesn't want to start again, but also doesn't want a finished account.
  11. He botted to get the stats he needed to make account his 'dream account', but yeah I understand what you're saying about it being his fault, as sooner or later you will be banned, so you have to expect it, but when it happens it's just annoying and frustrating. Wow that's really unlucky, I feel for your friend I don't understand who determines the type of ban an account gets. What separates one botting account from another (given that all variables are equal)? Why do some accounts just get a 2 day ban, whilst some get permed banned? Can't really get my head around that... Also, that response from Jagex to your friend about the account is typical from them
  12. Yeah it's very annoying My friend had a full void completed ranger that had done all the quests, literally his dream acc and its gone... the pain
  13. Was playing Runescape with my friend, not botting at the point in time. All of a sudden he got logged out, and his account was deleted (unable to log back in). Although the account was still online (in a bot world), but with a new, unusual name. Here is the pic: I'm not saying the ban was unreasonable or anything, because in truth he did bot as so did I, but I just wanted to show you guys what happened, because I've only ever seen it happen once before, ever.
  14. Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? Nope Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? Yeah of course Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? Custom cooking, woodcutting and mining scripts Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? It looks really good, but I really want to use the trial to see how easy it is to make scripts, gather a bit of prior knowledge on using the SSF before buying it.
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