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Trade With Caution
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About xikenyonix

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  1. OK, the bidding is now ever, emilie, can you provide me your skype, or disc, or w/e is your preferred, I advise you to find a VMM/OMM (middleman) so everything can go as smoothly as possible. BIDDING OVER EMILIE HAS THE HIGHEST BID. BIdding is over now dude,
  2. Bump, Will check in the morning, Bidding ends in 10 hours.
  3. Highest bid so far. Will be ending the bids around 1pm gmt (14 hours) highest bid or A/W by that time wins.
  4. I'll edit the picture up top, And i didn't realise it was cheap for the stats, MB. i shall change the autowin to highest bid so far i guess.
  5. Will be ending the bids around 1pm gmt (14 hours) highest bid or A/W by that time wins. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 50m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 150m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting OSGP/PP 8. Your trading conditions You will go first or we shall use an OMM 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the OO, And will send details when necessary.
  6. Hey, Can i get a PC on the below acc. 185 QuestPoints/B-gloves/F-cape etc. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks for the replies ^^ Will be considering somewhere in the region of 15 - 25m i guess. Thanks again
  8. Anyone able to PC this please? Thanks
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