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  1. If it is the original Enfilade's Easel then yes, you have nothing to worry about! It has been used by Runescape developers on numerous forums for the last ~5 years or so and is a very popular paint creation tool.
  2. I would just write a method that deviates from the path by a couple of tiles so that you don't have to have a bunch of predetermined paths. Perhaps even switch it up by having 70%-80% of clicks be on the minimap and having 20%-30% of the tiles being clicked directly (if you're worried about being detected).
  3. I wouldn't say that Android development is any harder or easier than writing a script. It's merely different; with OSBot you are given a specific API that allows you to easily interact with the Runescape world. When programming Android applications, you also have an API that allows you to easily interact with your Android device. You shouldn't have any difficulty learning the ins and outs of the Android API if you decide to learn it. I would personally recommend getting a book on Android development, as it will go much deeper into the workings of the Android system than a video tutorial will. Good luck to you and if you need any assistance, feel free to ask!
  4. Sold him 10M, incredibly quick trade and he transferred the money is about 15 seconds.
  5. I just can't justify using anything besides chrome.
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