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Trade With Caution
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About Runescape99

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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Why not make them? I'm pretty sure that VIP+ has a higher rate of buying scripts than a regular member does. Show off some of your scripting skills so that they will buy your paid ones. And yeah, the discount is like 10% (Which is almost nothing considering scripts cost like $5-$15)
  2. If you don't re-write it you will not earn any revenue from potential new customers who, from what I heard, have to pay monthly for every script now.
  3. Another perk of buying a rank instead of multiple tabs (Which is basically all it offers right now). People who don't use the bot for gold farming may buy VIP because of this. Just a thought ^^
  4. Perm ban = Don't read appeals because they already investigated.
  5. I disagree with this. Maybe at a certain cut-off should refunds be given. But if you've used the script for at least lets say 3 months, then I don't think a refund should be called for. If you have had the script for a month or two, then yes... you should be refunded.
  6. You guys don't understand that the developers of the OSBot 1 lifetime scripts will not be updating their scripts because they will not be on the market. Which makes the OSBot 1 emulator useless after a month or so except for a very few amount of scripts.
  7. Still happens often for me.
  8. If I'm forced to pay again for this script I'll be taking my money elsewhere which means OSBot will lose $10/Month and will lose a member of the market. Put some statistics on that. I'm done debating my point in this conversation. There are plenty of other websites that offer the same services, who care about their consumers.
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