What timezone are you? : Eastern. What times are you available? : 3.pm - 3.am preffered(but can adjust to the schedule if you provide me with one) Are you aged 18 or over? : 22 years old How often are you usually on the computer per day? :12 hours a day How long have you played runescape? : since 2005 Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) :started in 2005 played until -2008, then i gave a year break and started playing again until 2012 from that point i only played a few months until now. Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : I play CSGO, 12 efficacy in cevo. Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : Hindi, Punjabi, some french. What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : None atm. Will this job be your main source of income? : yes. Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? : no.