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    Duluth, MN

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  1. What scripts do you guys use for Ironmen? I wish there were more scripts that catered to ironmen for farming particular supplies and what not.
  2. Is it possible to use a ProxyFish Proxy with Mirror Mode? I understand it won't allow me to enter it into the client prior to loading up, but is there a way around this?
  3. I would make an account do tutorial island by hand and then let the account sit for about a week before botting it. I have had a lot of success doing this. If you instantly start botting a fresh account you are setting yourself up for failure. I believe Jagex monitors accounts that are freshly made a lot versus an account that has aged a bit.
  4. A script that does tutorial island, then begins picking up and banking cowhides until you have ~500-1000 and then sells enough to gain money for tanning the hides and tans them. Then rinses and repeats starting with cowhides. There are several scripts that involve single steps in this process. But it would be quite amazing to have a script that just does it all in one go. It would be a nice bot farm script.
  5. Just curious, did you do barbarian fishing on these or are they F2P? Nevermind, Just realized you would gain strength xp, therefore not be level 3.
  6. Zion_OSRS

    PC Firecape

    Stats: 99 range, 80 defence, 53 prayer, 91 hp.
  7. Zion_OSRS

    PC Firecape

    Stats: 99 range, 80 defence, 91 hitpoints, 53 prayer.
  8. Sweet, and there are no bans. Full void, dragon defender, Zammy book, full graceful.
  9. https://gyazo.com/741486de6a55ee94246e07c3ca9dc3b0
  10. Yeah, use a couple inventories of prayer pots and get like 100k points and then start buying overloads/absorptions. It's much cheaper this way and you actually make profit from herb boxes.
  11. https://gyazo.com/c75a8ecfa6a329c8cb0da8a57c32ac9b Been botting NMZ mainly. Going for 99 range currently.
  12. 60 attack, 76 strength, 90 range, 82 magic, 52 prayer, all pure quests complete. but has a two day ban.
  13. Zion_OSRS

    Stealth Quester

    Are you currently planning on adding any new quests to the script?
  14. Do any fishing/mining bots support mousekeys for faster dropping?
  15. Lol power leveling farming. Dude that's just a skill that is literally so easy to level. Do one or two quests and then plant oak trees for a couple days and boom
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