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Everything posted by EngageV2

  1. I dont have friends (((((((((
  2. My Screen is on Fixed Mode, Always Right Click is ON.. But How do I know if my zoom is default.. it doesn't seem to tell me which settings for zoom are the right ones. Edit: Look. https://gyazo.com/fa2e6c9dfd14e4cab35776f9f96b59b6
  3. Please Help, whenver I start the script it Just freezes and It wont let me click anything or even x out, PLEASE HELP
  4. Wassup Czar, so I've been using this bot weekly and its normally great you know the usual flaws, i'd have it on for 3-4 hours then it'd crash or w.e and i'd end up with like 30k exp trained, or something cuz it ends up running to the trees and not going back or, it'd end up keep clicking trying to telly and wouldnt or w.e But recently i've had a MAJOR issue, the last 2 times I used this bot (last week) I found myself logged out and when I logged in I WAS DEAD IN LUMBRIDGE, Idk whats been going on, and would not like to test it again, one time I logged in and I had 3 hp, and still had like 16 tuna's left and almost shit my pants, hopefully this gets fixed, I'll try to copy and paste the error message if it happens again, but why wouldnt it eat the rest of the food??? Oh and 1 more thing, it tends to NOT hop if a cannon is near, and also Idk if it works but can you add a option to telly with runes or a teletab. Thanks bud
  5. Having issues.. Most of the time if I start the script at cammy bank it'll walk towards rock crabs then walk away back into the forest and keep running north and south. Or It wont teleport once out of food. (Brought 300 cammy teleport runes) Add a option for Tab or Runes teleport please, also it would attack other peoples crabs when my aggression level is on 1 If you have more then one potion in ur inventory it drinks both at the same time if you pause it, it doesnt actually pause sometimes idk what rock count does but its always on 0 idk.
  6. So.. I'm having some trouble. I asked for a trial before I bought it, and apa was nice enough to give me one but I bought it before i started the trial.. Maybe that was a bad move. Because the script looks great but for some reason Im having a few flaws For one When I say go west, sometimes it goes east And about every 5 or so crabs, it walks down to the trees and stays there, it doesnt even walk back. Like for example if it was trying to move away from the crabs because the crabs started to Not be aggressive anymore, it'll walk away then wont walk back.. When It tries to hop worlds, it would go to the world switcher, and hover over worlds but wont click them. Please help Besides that script looks good.
  7. Same Issue not starting/doing anything just bought it yesterday worked fine now wont work, maybe because update?
  8. Script you would like: APA Rock Crabs Member number: 102823
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