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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/13 in all areas

  1. I am scheduling our release for April 1st, and no, it will not be an April fools joke. Although our bot will not have all its features completed, it will allow our community to grow, our collection of scripts to grow, and for our script developers to get accustomed to the bot's scripting API. For script developers, we only be supporting Groovy for the scripting language. It is very similar to Java but simpler. We WILL be supporting Java in the future however! So if you feel you don't like Groovy, no worries. We also have plans to implement JRuby. The VIP script store will NOT be open by then. We do not have enough time to set it up for the release date. VIP scripts will be developed by trusted, and qualifying script developers. More info on this later. The script repository will most-likely not be open on April 1st but we'll be adding it within a week or two after release. The only random event solver in the bot on release date will be the login script. We will be adding more random event solvers within time. The RSBot script emulator will also not be ready by April 1st. Please keep in mind that even though all these features won't be available on April 1st, they will be added quickly. The reason we are better than our competitors is because we actually take the time to do things correctly. Thank you! Sincerely, Laz and the OSBot Team.
    4 points
  2. everything in the middle is ok
    1 point
  3. Just did the injection for game messages. Here's an example script: @ScriptManifest(name = "TreeChopper", author = "Lazaro", version = 1.0D, info = "")class TreeChopper extends Script { def treeId = 66812 def chopping = false def currentTree = null int onLoop() { if(chopping && !currentTree.exists()) { chopping = false currentTree = null Logger.log("Chopped down tree!") } if(!chopping) { currentTree = closestObject(treeId) if(currentTree != null) { Logger.log("Closest tree : (${currentTree.getX()}, ${currentTree.getY()})") selectEntityOption(currentTree, "Chop down") } } return 1000 + random(2000) } void onMessage(String message) { if(message == "You swing your axe at the tree.") { Logger.log("Chopping down tree!") chopping = true } }}Obviously it's very basic and doesn't do much but click on trees. But it's just to show how our script API looks like.Sincerely, Laz.
    1 point
  4. Hello fellow botters, Today we have ran and tested our first real script. It's a simple script, cutting normal logs. But it shows our bot is getting better and better. Lazaro has been working on the pathfinder, and we will also add a message listener today or tomorow to support scripting. Also menu support has been added and works perfectly. We hope to have some nice functional scripts by the end of the week while we continue adding features to the scripting api. Stay tuned, OSBot.org!
    1 point
  5. Alright, your project is going great so far btw!
    1 point
  6. I am downloading the plugins for the SWT and GWT designers for Eclipse at the moment, then I will begin, all user data will be stored in XML for now. :3
    1 point
  7. Very interesting. I look forward to seeing this!
    1 point
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