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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
BawsZ BawsZ 09/30/13 bought a pin, very quick, no hassle dozervictim dozervictim
BawsZ BawsZ 09/30/13 MM'd 12m for me, worked great dozervictim dozervictim
BawsZ BawsZ 09/30/13 fast Jsmth Jsmth
Polo Polo 09/30/13 bought his guide and just like molly i am sweatin atm ty Guest Guest
Guest Guest 09/30/13 Sold him my guide enjoy! Polo Polo
BawsZ BawsZ 09/30/13 Bought 2 Bonds off him, really smooth and easy. tobistalker tobistalker
Sleepyflame Sleepyflame 09/30/13 bought membership, went first Yanhua Yanhua
BawsZ BawsZ 09/30/13 Quick and easy purchase 12.50-- respectable and safe melomel melomel
Aozawa Aozawa 09/30/13 Sold another $50.00 vouch to wolmers, he's now sponsor, grats! Guest Guest
Guest Guest 09/30/13 Just bought a 50$ voucher, again really fast. Aozawa Aozawa
Aozawa Aozawa 09/30/13 Sold him a $20.00 gift voucher, thanks! Guest Guest
Guest Guest 09/30/13 bought $20 voucher, got it quickly without hassle. Aozawa Aozawa
Solution Solution 09/30/13 Bought a quest from him, He went first, Thanks Alex Alex
Sliptallica92 Sliptallica92 09/30/13 Thanks for buying, appreciate the business. Guest Guest
Guest Guest 09/30/13 Bought 4 accounts, paid first. Great service! Sliptallica92 Sliptallica92
M1337 M1337 09/30/13 sold him 10m 07 for 28 dollars Beezmans Beezmans
Beezmans Beezmans 09/29/13 Bought 07gp - no trouble, quick deal, trustworthy. M1337 M1337
Sliptallica92 Sliptallica92 09/29/13 sold him 4 fresh level 3 accounts 2.5m ea Violent Violent
Violent Violent 09/29/13 Bought 4 accounts, paid first. Definitely going to be buying more. Sliptallica92 Sliptallica92
Gilgad Gilgad 09/29/13 completed massive order!! 100% trusted thanks! Master X Master X
Mikasa Mikasa 09/29/13 Middle man trade with Wizzy for an account. Smooth. Wray Wray
Wray Wray 09/29/13 Great Buyer! Pleasent Pleasent
Pleasent Pleasent 09/29/13 Sold me an account. Thanks mate. Wray Wray
Mikasa Mikasa 09/29/13 perfect MM Pleasent Pleasent
Nazz Nazz 09/29/13 sold him lvl 3 he went first legit Zoo Zoo
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