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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
a goat a goat 10/03/13 Sold him an account. Great guy, really nice :) Kussi Kussi
Kussi Kussi 10/03/13 bought a account of him very cool guy a goat a goat
Evasive Evasive 10/03/13 bought 100m eoc off him thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/03/13 Sold EOC gold. Quick, fast and secure trade. Thanks! Evasive Evasive
Divica Divica 10/03/13 Bought 8m gold from her, lovely lady <33 Maiin Maiin
Maiin Maiin 10/03/13 Sold him 8m via direct Paypal, super easy trade. Thanks! Divica Divica
Evasive Evasive 10/03/13 bought 79m off him fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/03/13 Sold 79M and got paid quickly after that :D. Thanks! Evasive Evasive
Divica Divica 10/03/13 Great guy. Even tho he didnt mm anymore he helped us do it just to be nice. :) Kussi Kussi
Divica Divica 10/03/13 Sold another 7m good guy Primeval Primeval
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/03/13 powerleveld him 70 range in under 24 hours :) Kittens Kittens
Kussi Kussi 10/03/13 Sold him VIP voucher for 07GP - thanks! Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/03/13 This dude is the god damn man! Kussi Kussi
B2B B2B 10/03/13 Bought 13m. Great seller and very helpful:) Mountain Goats Mountain Goats
Royal Services Royal Services 10/03/13 bought 40m off him thanks bud BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/03/13 sold him 40m, i went first. got payment in 1 min! thx alot Royal Services Royal Services
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 10/03/13 Bought 22m via Moneybookers, thanks very much!! Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/03/13 Sold 22m, payment was received instantly - Thanks :) DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
Kussi Kussi 10/03/13 Thank you for the guide, it really helped me make bank. And really trusted to. niek318 niek318
Kittens Kittens 10/03/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
magsimo magsimo 10/03/13 Bought another 10M off of me. Very nice guy! thanks again mate! B2B B2B
B2B B2B 10/03/13 bought 10m quick. Fast trade magsimo magsimo
BawsZ BawsZ 10/03/13 Sold 10m Ty wehedo wehedo
Wrecks Wrecks 10/03/13 Bought 8m ScorpioZ ScorpioZ
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/03/13 Quick, easy, painless, I went first, I Trust ScorpioZ 100% Wrecks Wrecks
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